Sanojen ensiesiintymisiä englanninkielisissä äänitteissä

Tarkemmin: sanojen ensiesiintymisiä englanninkielisten äänitteiden nimissä. Näitä voi verrata sivuun Sanojen ensiesiintymisiä suomenkielisissä äänitteissä. Luettelo täydentyy vähitellen - esimerkiksi sana "Australia" esiintyy laulun nimessä takuulla jo ennen vuotta 1968. Aineisto näyttää myös, että monesta erittäin merkittävästä yhtyeestä ja muusikosta on artikkeli tekemättä.

 Abandon: Abandoned luncheonette (Hall and Oates 1973) - hylätä
 Abilene (Waylon Jennings 1969)
 Abnormal: Abnormally deceased (Entombed 1990) - epänormaali
 Abolish: Abolish government (T.S.O.L. 1981) - lakkauttaa
 Abortion: Teenage abortion (the Suzannes 1978) - abortti
 Absent: Absent-minded me (Julie London 1962)- poissaoleva
 Absolutely: Absolutely sweet Marie (Bob Dylan 1966) - absoluuttisen
 Absolutions (Max Roach 1960) - ehdottomuudet
 Absorb: I will be absorbed (Egg 1969) - imeä
 Abstination (Gregory Allan Fitzpatrick 1967)
 Absurd: Plus minus absurdio (Golden Earring 1975) - absurdi
 Abuse: If You abuse my love (Betty Wright 1977) - käyttää hyväksi
 Academy: Academy award losers (Steve Lawrence 1964) - akatemia
 Accelerator (Therapy? 1993) - kiihdyttäjä
 Accent: Accent of youth (Dinah Washington 1956) - slangi
 Accept: Kennedy acceptance speech (Lenny Bruce 1961) - hyväksyä - John F. Kennedy
 Access: Access to data (Brand X 1978) - pääsy
 Accident: The Carroll county accident (Dolly Parton 1969) - onnettomuus
 Accordion: Sam, the old accordion man (Doris Day 1955) - haitari
 Account: You're just a no account (Louis Armstrong 1939) - tili
 Accuse: Before You accuse me (Bo Diddley, Jody Williams & Willie Dixon 1957) - syyttää
 Accustomed: I've grown accustomed her face (Stan Getz 1958) - tottunut
 Achievement: Time for great achievements (Bo Hansson 1975) - saavutus
 Acid: The acid queen (the Who 1969)- happo
 Acrobat: Liquid acrobat as regards the air (Incredible String Band 1972) - akrobaatti
 Across: Across the wide Missouri (Eddy Arnold 1955) - halki
 Action: Actions speak louder than words (Bobby Darin 1958) - toiminta
 Active: House of unamerican blues activity dream (Ian Matthews 1971) - vireä
 Actor (the Moody Blues 1968) - näyttelijä
 Acute: Acute schizoid paranoid blues (the Kinks 1971) - akuutti
 Addict: Orgasm addict (the Buzzcocks 1977) - riippuvainen
 Address: And the address (Deep Purple 1968) - osoite
 Adelaide (John Cale 1970)
 Adjust: I don't want to be adjusted (the Weavers 1970) - sopeutua
 Administrative: Administrative decisions (Sacred Reich 1987) - hallinto
 Admiral: Uncle Albert - admiral Halsey (Paul McCartney 1971) - amiraali
 Admiration: Mutual admiration (Chet Atkins 1974) - ihailu
 Admission: The price od admission (Stiff Little Fingers 1982) - sisäänpääsy
 Admit: Admit it (Rory Gallagher 1973) - myöntää
 Adopt: Adopted girl (Patrik Fitzgerald 1979) - adoptoida
 Adore: I do adore her (Harry Belafonte 1956) - palvoa
 Adult: For adults only (Miles Davis 1953) - aikuinen
 Advance: Jazz advance (Cecil Taylor 1956) - ennakko
 Advantage: You took advantage of me (Art Tatum 1945) - etu
 Adventure: Modern adventures of Plato, Diogenes and Freud (Blood, Sweat and Tears 1968) - seikkailu, Platon
 Advertisement: Advertisement in the voice (Good Rats 1976) - mainos
 Advice: Very good advice (Dave Brubeck 1957) - neuvo
 Aeroplane: Big fat silver aeroplane (Roy Harper 1966) - lentokone
 Affair: My last affair (Ella Fitzgerald 1936)
 Affection: Object of my affection (Faron Young 1958) - hellyys
 Afraid: Who's afraid? (Ella Fitzgerald 1954) - peloissaan
 Africa: African lullaby (Eartha Kitt 1957) - Afrikka
 Aftermath (the Rolling Stones 1966)
 Afternoon: Afternoon in Paris (John Lewis 1956) - iltapäivä
 Again: Blue again (Louis Armstrong 1931) - jälleen
 Agency: Agency man (Frank Zappa & the Mothers of Invention 1967) - toimisto
 Agenda (Elvin Jones 1969) - esityslista
 Agent: Ticket agent, ease Your window down (Bessie Smith 1924) - edustaja
 Aggression (Eric Dolphy 1961) - agressio
 Aggressive: Aggressive perfector (Slayer 1984) - agressiivinen
 Agony: Agony and the ecstasy (Smokey Robinson 1975) - tuska
 Agree: We've all agreed to help (Them 1968) - sopia
 Airport: The airport song (the Byrds 1964) - lentokenttä
 Alabama: Stars fell on Alabama (Stan Getz 1952)
 Alarm: The old alarm clock (the Dubliners 1967) - herätys
 Alaska: North to Alaska (Johnny Horton 1960)
 Alberta (the Blues Project 1966)
 Albuquerque: Point me in the direction of Albuquerque (the Partridge Family 1970)
 Alchemy: The alchemy of Scott Lafaro (Ornette Coleman 1959) - alkemia
 Alcohol (the Kinks 1971 - alkoholi
 Alien: To Oz alien Daevyd and Gilly (Robert Wyatt 1970) - vieras
 Alimony (Frankie Ford 1959) - elatusapu
 Allegiance: Pledge of allegiance (David Peel with Lower East Side & Atomic Rock 1970) - vihjailu
 Allergic: Allergic to love (NRBQ 1970) - allerginen
 Alley: Down Vernon's alley (J. J. Johnson 1947) - kuja
 Alligator: Alligator hop (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - alligaattori
 Allow: Mama don't allow no twistin' (Bo Diddley 1962) - sallia
 Almost: Almost like being in love (Ella Fitzgerald 1947) - melkein
 Alone: Alone at last (Fletcher Henderson 1925) - yksin
 Along: It's slumbertime along the Swanee (Ella Fitzgerald 1939) - pitkin
 Aloud: Wond'ring aloud (Jethro Tull 1971) - ääneen
 Already: Already here (Redbone 1972) - jo
 Also: Sun also rises (Fever Tree 1968) - myös
 Always: Billy (I always dream of Billy) (Ella Fitzgerald 1939) - aina
 Amateur: Amateur hour (the Sparks 1974) - amatööri
 Amazing grace (Jesse Fuller 1955) - hämmästyttävä
 Ambition (Subway Sect 1978) - kunnianhimo
 Ambulance: Ambulance blues (Neil Young 1974) - ambulanssi
 American: Early American (Nat King Cole 1951) - amerikkalainen
 Amnesia: Amnesia vivace (Frank Zappa & the Mothers of Invention 1966)
 Among: Among my souvenirs (Louis Armstrong 1942) - joukossa
 Amphetamine: New amphetamine shriek (the Fugs 1968) - amfetamiini
 Amplifier: Amplifier fire (Billy Joel 1970) - kaiutin
 Amusement parks USA (the Beach Boys 1965) - huvipuistot
 Anal: Anal aggression (Out of Order 1986) - anaalinen
 Analogue: Death of an analogue (Klaus Schulze 1980) - analogi
 Analysis: Pardon our analysis (we beg Your pardon) (Gil Scott-Heron 1975) - analyysi
 Anatomy (John Coltrane 1957)- anatomia
 Ancestor: Song for our ancestors (Steve Miller 1968) - esi-isä
 Anchor: Anchor's miles (Alexis Korner 1966) - ankkuri
 Anecdote: Transnational speedway league - anthems, anecdotes and undeniable truths (Clutch 1993) - anekdootti
 Anesthetic; Anesthetic for lovers (Nat King Cole 1939)
 Angel: Made a date with an angel (got no walking shoes) (Big Bill Broonzy 1937) - enkeli
 Anger: There's anger in the land (Peter, Paul & Mary 1968) - viha
 Angry (Rosemary Clooney 1960) - vihainen
 Ankle: Pig ankle strut (Gus Cannon & Noah Lewis 1928) - nilkka
 Animal: Animal farm (Jesse Fuller 1959) - eläin
 Annapolis: Acid Annapolis (Leon Russell 1972)
 Annex (Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark 1980) - sivurakennus
 Annihilate: Annihilate this week (Black Flag 1985)
 Anniversary song (Pat Boone 1958) - vuosijuhla
 Annoy: Noise annoys (the Buzzcocks 1979) - harmittaa
 Annual: Third annual pipe dream (Atlanta Rhythm Section 1974) - vuosittainen
 Anthem: Anthem of the sun (the Grateful Dead 1968) - kansallislaulu
 Antichrist (Slayer 1983) - Antikristus
 Anthropology (Charlie Parker 1946) - antropologia
 Antiqua: Lisbon antiqua (Nelson Riddle 1956)
 Anus: Rendezvous with anus (Turbonegro 1998)
 Answer: Answer me, my love (Nat King Cole 1953) - vastata
 Apocalypse (Moby Grape 1971) - ilmestys
 Apology: With apologies to Oscar (Cannonball Adderley 1955) - anteeksipyyntö
 Apple: In the shade of the old apple tree (the Mills Brothers 1937) - omena
 April: Lost april (Nat King Cole 1947) - huhtikuu
 Araby (Fletcher Henderson 1924) - Arabia
 Architect (Ornette Coleman 1962) - arkkitehti
 Arizona: Do the Weston (western Arizona) (Sonny Boy Williamson and the Yardbirds 1965)
 Arkansas: Going back to Arkansas (Big Bill Broonzy 1938)
 Army: I don't want no more of army life (Leadbelly 1949) - armeija
 Arrangement (Joni Mitchell 1970) - järjestely
 Arrival: Arrival in New York (Joe Zawinul 1970) - saapuminen
 Arrow: Broken arrow (Chuck Berry 1960) - nuoli
 Artist: From portrait of the artist (Joan Baez 1968) - taiteilija
 Aspen: Aspenglow (John Denver 1970) - haapa
 Ashamed: I could never be ashamed of You (Hank Williams 1952) - häpeissään
 Assassination: Assassination of Stefan Grossman (John Fahey 1975) - salamurha
 Asshole: Dickie's such an asshole (Frank Zappa 1973) - persereikä
 Astronaut: Astronaut food (Sopwith Camel 1972) - astronautti
 Astronomy: Astronomy domine (Pink Floyd 1967) - tähtitiede
 Atlanta: Atlanta blues (Louis Armstrong 1954)
 Atlantic City: Atlantic City gambler (Grace Jones 1979)
 Atmosphere: Dizzy atmosphere (Charlie Parker 1945) - ilmapiiri
 Attach: No strings attached (Jean Luc Ponty 1978) - kiinnittää
 Attack: Attacking a straw man (New Colony Six 1969) - hyökätä
 Attaining (John Coltrane 1965) - saavuttamassa
 Attempt: Attempted moustache (Loudon Wainwright 1973) - yritys
 Attention: Too much attention (Gilbert O'Sullivan 1971) - huomio
 Attic: The attic (Van Dyke Parks 1967) - ullakko
 Attitude (Amon Duul 1971) - asenne
 Auction: The life auction (impressions of Southhall from a train, the auction) (Strawbs 1975) - huutokauppa
 Audience (Pete Seeger 1963) - yleisö
 August: Time for august (Julie London 1956) - elokuu
 Aunt: Aunt Hagar's blues (Louis Armstrong 1954) - täti
 Austin: Austin prison (Johnny Cash 1966)
 Australia: Maid of Australia (Ewan Maccoll 1968)
 Author (Budgie 1971) - tekijä
 Authority: Chicago transit authority (Chicago 1969) - esivalta
 Automation: Automation song (Phil Ochs 1964) - automaatio
 Autumn: 'tis autumn (Nat King Cole 1949) - syksy
 Available: I'm available (Rita's audition) (Sammy Davis jr. 1956) - saatavilla
 Avalon (Benny Goodman 1938)
 Avenue: Central avenue breakdown (Nat King Cole) - puistokatu
 Aviation: Naval aviation in art (Frank Zappa & Abnuceals Emuukha Electric Symphony Orchestra 1975) - ilmailu
 Avocado: Avocado Eldorado (Deluxe Blues Band 1988) - avokado
 Awake: When You awake (June Christy 1957) - herätä
 Away: I'm going away to wear You off my mind (Louis Armstrong & King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - pois
 Awful: Awful dream (Lightnin' Hopkins 1962) - kauhea
 Awkward: Awkward tale (Memory Garden 1998) - kömpelö
 Axe: Apollo's axe (Dave Brubeck 1961) - kirves
 Bachelor: Bachelor boy (Cliff Richard 1964) - poikamies
 Back: I'll take her back if she wants to come back (Fletcher Henderson 1925) - takaisin
 Background: Background music (Lee Konitz & Warne Marsh 1955) - tausta
 Ballad: Dust bowl ballads (Woody Guthrie 1940) - balladi
 Baltimore: The Baltimore (Bix Beiderbecke 1927)
 Banker: Jolly banker (Woody Guthrie 1940) - pankkiiri
 Bankrupt: Bankrupt vibration (Superdrag 1998) - konkurssi
 Banquet: Beggars banquet (the Rolling Stones 1968) - juhlapäivälliset
 Baptismal (Joe Zawinul 1965)
 Barbara Allen (Eddy Arnold 1955)
 Baseball: The first baseball game (Nat King Cole 1961)
 Basin: Mississippi basin (Louis Armstrong 1933) - tasanko
 Basin street blues (Louis Armstrong 1928)
 Bastard: The idiot bastard son (Frank Zappa 1967) - paskiainen
 Batman (Jan and Dean 1966) - Lepakkomies
 Batmobile: Flight of the batmobile (Jan and Dean 1966)
 Battery: Battery blues (Philly Joe Jones 1959) - paristo
 Battle: Joshua fit the battle of Jericho (Mahalia Jackson 1958) - taistelu
 Bayou: Jambalaya (on the bayou) (Hank Williams 1952)
 Beach: Queen of the beach (Carole King 1960) - ranta
 Beaumont: Beaumont rag (Woody Guthrie 1940)
 Beautiful: It was so beautiful (Django Reinhardt 1935) - kaunis
 Beauty: American beauty (Pat Boone 1958) - kaunotar
 Bean: Jelly bean blues (Ma Rainey 1924) - papu
 Bear: Jack the bear (Duke Ellington 1943) - karhu
 Beard: The beard song (the Babysitters 1959) - parta
 Beast: Harry, You're a beast (Frank Zappa 1967) - peto
 Beat: Beat me daddy eight to the bar (the Andrews Sisters 1940) - heittää
 Beautiful: It was so beautiful (Django Reinhardt 1935) - kaunis
 Because: Blue because of You (Nat King Cole 1940) - vuoksi
 Bed: Feather bed (Gus Cannon & Noah Lewis 1928) - sänky
 Beef: Swinging beefeater (the Tornados 1963) - pihvi
 Beer: Gimme a pigfoot and a bottle of beer (Bessie Smith 1933) - olut
 Beethoven: Roll over Beethoven (Chuck Berry 1959) - Ludwig van Beethoven
 Beggar: Poor beggar (Big Joe Williams 1961) - kerjäläinen
 Behave: Ain't misbehaving (Louis Armstrong 1929) - käyttäytyminen
 Beige: Brown, beige (Duke Ellington 1943)
 Belfast: Belfast cowboys (Pretty Things 1974)
 Believe: I can't believe that You're in love with me (Louis Armstrong 1930) - uskominen
 Bell: Jack the bellboy (Nat King Cole 1940) - kello
 Bestial: Bestial devastation (Sepultura 1984)
 Bethena (Scott Joplin 1905)
 Bewitched (Doris Day 1955) - noiduttu
 Bike: Bike up the strand (Gerry Mulligan 1956) - polkupyörä
 Bikini: Itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini (Brian Hyland 1960)
 Bird: Weather bird rag (Louis Armstrong & King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - lintu
 Birmingham: Down in the valley (Birmingham jail) (Eddy Arnold 1955)
 Birth: The birth of the blues (Ella Fitzgerald 1953) - syntymä
 Birthday: Happy birthday (Marilyn Monroe 1959) - syntymäpäivä
 Biscuit: Little biscuit (Lena Horne 1957) - keksi
 Bitch: Bitches brew (Miles Davis 1969) - narttu
 Bitter: My bitter seed (Jimmy Reed 1959) - katkera
 Bizarre: Our bizarre relationship (Frank Zappa & the Mothers of Invention 1968) - eriskummallinen
 Blame: Can You blame the colored man? (Gus Cannon & Noah Lewis 1927) - syyttää
 Bleed: My bleeding heart (Fats Domino 1961) - verenvuoto
 Bless: Oh bless, oh where's my Bess? (Modern Jazz Quartet 1956) - siunaus
 Blind: Three blind mice (Bix Beiderbecke 1927) - sokea
 Blood: There is a fountain filled with blood (Aretha Franklin 1956) - veri
 Blow: Blowing down that old dusty road (Woody Guthrie 1940)
 Blueberry: Blueberry hill (Fats Domino 1956) - mustikka
 Blues: Graveyard dream blues (Bessie Smith 1923)
 Board: Sea board stomp (Blind Blake 1927)
 Boat: Riverboat shuffle (Bix Beiderbecke 1927) - laiva
 Body: Body and soul (Louis Armstrong 1930) - ruumis
 Bohemia: Bohemia after dark (Cannonball Adderley 1955) - Böömi
 Boll Weevil blues (Woody Guthrie 1940)
 Bomb: Genbaku o yurusumagi (never again the A-bomb) (Pete Seeger 1963) - pommi
 Bone: Save the bones for Henry Jones (Nat King Cole 1947) - luu
 Bonfire (Cat Stevens 1977) - kokko
 Boobs: Boobs a lot (the Fugs 1965) - rinnat
 Boogie: Rhumboogie (the Andrews Sisters 1940)
 Book: I could write a book (Dinah Washington 1955) - kirja
 Bootleg (Creedence Clearwater Revival 1969)
 Boots: Give me back my boots (Screamin' Jay Hawkins 1957) - saappaat
 Booze: Minor booze (Stan Kenton 1970) - viina
 Border: From border unto border (Paul Robeson 1949) - raja
 Born: Why was I born? (Art Tatum 1945) - syntymä
 Borrow: On borrowed time (The J. Geils Band 1970) - lainata
 Boss: 'Say bossman' (Bo Diddley, Jody Williams & Willie Dixon 1957) - pomo
 Boston (the Byrds 1964)
 Bother: Bewitched, bothered and bewildered (Ella Fitzgerald 1957) - vaivata
 Bottle: Gimme a pigfoot and a bottle of beer (Bessie Smith 1933) - pullo
 Bottom: Irish black bottom (Hot Five 1926)
 Boulder skies (Pure Prairie League 1972)
 Bourbon: One scotch, one bourbon, one beer (Jimmy Witherspoon 1963)
 Bowl: Need a little sugar in my bowl (Bessie Smith 1931) - kulho
 Box: Put 'em in a box (Nat King Cole 1947) - laatikko
 Boy: Come on boys let's do that messin' around (Blind Blake 1926) - poika
 Boyfriend: 24 boyfriends (Dee Clark 1960) - poikaystävä
 Brain: Flea brain (Gene Vincent & the Blue Caps 1957) - aivot
 Brainwashed (the Kinks 1969) - aivopesty
 Brave: Brave wolfe (Ian & Sylvia 1964) - urhea
 Bread: Short'nin' bread (the Andrews Sisters 1938) - leipä
 Break: Heart-breakin' blues (Gus Cannon & Noah Lewis 1928) - särkeä
 Breakdown: Blind Arthur's breakdown (Blind Blake 1929) - murtuminen
 Breakfast: Breakfast at Tiffany's (Henry Mancini 1961) - aamiainen
 Breathless: You leave me breathless (Ella Fitzgerald 1954)
 Breeze: Autumn breeze (the Modern Jazz Quartet 1951) - henkäys
 Bride: Tattooed bride (Duke Ellington 1950) - morsian
 Bridge: Under the bridges of Paris (Eartha Kitt 1957) - silta
 Bring: Bring another drink (Nat King Cole 1943) - tuoda
 Brisbane (the Saints 1977)
 Bristol: Bristol stomp (Chubby Checker 1962)
 Britain: The rose of Britain's isle (John Kirkpatrick 1974) - Britannia
 Britannia: Britannia rag (Winifred Atwell 1952)
 Broadway: 52nd street theme (Broadway theme) (Miles Davis 1948)
 Broken: You can't lose a broken heart (Nat King Cole & the Starlighters 1949) - särkynyt
 Brontosaurus stomp (the Beach Boys 1963)
 Bronx: Bronx blues (Stan Getz & the Oscar Peterson Trio 1957)
 Brooklyn: Trio grooves in Brooklyn (Nat King Cole 1945)
 Broom: I believe I'll dust my broom (Robert Johnson 1936) - luuta
 Brothel: Baltimore brothel (Diana Ross 1971) - bordelli
 Brother: Me and brother Bill (Louis Armstrong 1939) - veli
 Brutal: Brutal ardour (Brian Eno 1975) - brutaali
 Bucket: Gut bucket blues (Hot Five 1925) - sanko
 Buddha: Sold to the highest Buddha (Gong 1973)
 Buffalo: Now that the buffalo's gone (Buffy Sainte-Marie 1964) - biisoni
 Buick: From a Buick 6 (Bob Dylan 1965)
 Build: A kiss to build a dream on (Louis Armstrong 1951) - rakentaa
 Building: Working on the building (Elvis Presley 1960) - rakennus
 Bullet: Bullets of Mexico (Phil Ochs 1964) - luoti
 Bullshit: Allez Ali Baba blacksheep have You any bullshit? (Planet Gong 1977) - hevonpaska
 Burden: Lay down my burden (Delaney and Bonnie 1970) - taakka
 Burger: Cruising for burgers (Frank Zappa & the Mothers of Invention 1968)
 Burlesque house (Lenny Bruce 1961) - burleski
 Burn: I'll keep the lovelight burning (Louis Armstrong 1952) - palaa
 Business: You run Your mouth, I'll run my business (Louis Armstrong 1940) - liiketoimet
 Busy: Busy as a bee (Ella Fitzgerald 1940) - kiireinen
 Butter: Big butter and egg man (Hot Five 1926) - voi
 Butterfly: Swanee butterfly (Fletcher Henderson 1925) - perhonen
 Buzzard: Buzzard song (Miles Davis 1958) - haukka
 Cabin: There's a cabin in the pines (Louis Armstrong 1933) - mökki
 Cactus: Cactus Christmas tree (the McGuire Sisters 1956) - kaktus
 Cadillac: Swing low, sweet Cadillac (Dizzy Gillespie 1952)
 Cage: The cage (Elton John 1970) - häkki
 Cairo: Cairo rag (Gus Cannon & Noah Lewis 1928) - Kairo
 California: California blues (Woody Guthrie 1940) - Kalifornia
 Call: What-cha-call-em-blues (Fletcher Henderson 1925) - nimittää
 Calvary: Robe of Calvary (Eddy Arnold 1955)
 Calypso: Calypso blues (Nat King Cole 1950)
 Cambodia: Holiday in Cambodia (Dead Kennedys 1979) - Kamputsea
 Camel: Camels and elephants (Graham Bond Organization 1965) - kameli
 Canada: Song for Canada (Ian & Sylvia 1965)- Kanada
 Canadian: Canadian sunset (Joe Williams 1956) - kanadalainen
 Candle: There's a candle in Caroline (Bix Beiderbecke 1927) - kynttilä
 Candy (Nat King Cole 1945) - karkki
 Cannibal: Club Cannibal (Ashra 1979) - ihmissyöjä, kannibaali
 Canyon: Laurel Canyon boulevard (Van Dyke Parks 1967) - kanjoni
 Captain: My captain (Muddy Waters 1964) - kapteeni
 Caravan (Duke Ellington 1945) - karavaani
 Carcass (Siouxsie & the Banshees 1978) - raato
 Carnation (the Jam 1982) - neilikka
 Carolina: Carolina stomp (Fletcher Henderson 1925)
 Carrot: Why is a carrot more orange than an orange? (Ted Nugent 1968) - porkkana
 Carry: Carry me back to old Virginia (the Mills Brothers 1937) - kantaa
 Carve: Carvin' the bird (Charlie Parker 1947) - leikata
 Cash: Cash for Your trash (Louis Armstrong 1942) - käteinen
 Cast: Cast away (Eva Taylor 1925) - kipsi
 Castle: Don't rob another man's castle (Eddy Arnold 1952) - linna
 Catch: Don't let the sun catch You crying (Ray Charles 1959)
 Cattle: Cattle drive (Marshall Tucker Band 1980) - karja
 Cellar: The song of McGillicudie the pusillanimous (or don't worry James, Your socks are hanging in the coal cellar with Thomas) (Egg 1969) - kellari
 Cemetery: Highgate cemetery (Roy Harper 1967) - hautausmaa
 Cent: Ten cents a dance (Doris Day 1955) - sentti
 Central: Central avenue breakdown (Nat King Cole 1940) - keskus
 Century: 20th century blues (Charlie Parker 1945) - vuosisata
 Chain: Chain around my neck (Woody Guthrie 1940) - kahle
 Champion: Champion at keeping them rolling (Eric Andersen 1966) - mestari
 Chance: A ghost of a chance (Nat King Cole 1940) - mahdollisuus
 Change: If You ever change Your mind (Ella Fitzgerald 1939) - muuttaa
 Chaos: Utter chaos (Gerry Mulligan 1956) - kaaos
 Charge: Charge 'em blues (Cecil Taylor 1956) - syyte
 Charleston: Just wait 'til You see my baby do the Charleston (Eva Taylor 1925)
 Chattanooga: Chattanooga stomp (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923)
 Cheap: Don't play me cheap (Louis Armstrong 1933) - halpa
 Cheat: Your cheatin' heart (Hank Williams 1952) - pettää
 Check: Rain check (Sonny Rollins 1955) - tarkistaa
 Cheers (Charlie Parker 1947) - kippis
 Chelsea: Chelsea bridge (Ben Webster 1957)
 Cherry (the Mills Brothers 1940) - kirsikka
 Chevrolet (Taj Mahal 1971)
 Chicago: Sweet home Chicago (Robert Johnson 1936)
 Child: Godchild (Miles Davis 1948) - lapsi
 Child abuse: Child abuse (Capitol Punishment 1985) - lapsen hyväksikäyttö
 Childhood: Childhood sweetheart (Chuck Berry 1960) - lapsuus
 Chili: Chili pepper (Art Pepper 1952)
 China: Chinatown, my China town (Louis Armstrong 1931) - Kiina
 Choice: Duke's choice (Charles Mingus 1957) - vaihtoehto
 Choke: The chokin' kind (Waylon Jennings 1967) - tukehtua
 Choogle: Keep on chooglin' (Creedence Clearwater Revival 1969)
 Chop: Veal chop & pork chop (Snooks Eaglin 1958) - kyljys
 Christmas: At the Christmas ball (Bessie Smith 1925) - joulu
 Church: Church bell tone (John Lee Hooker 1960) - kirkko
 Cigar: Little man with a candy cigar (Dave Brubeck 1962) - sikari
 Cincinnati: Cincinnati blues (Jesse Fuller 1955)
 Cinnamon (Art Pepper 1953) - kaneli
 Circle: Will the circle be unbroken (Eddy Arnold 1952) - ympyrä
 Circus: Tubby the Tuba at the circus (Danny Kaye 1952) - sirkus
 Citizen: Good citizen swallow (Gary Burton 1967) - kansalainen
 Civil war medley (Randy Burns 1966) - sisällissota
 Civilization day (Ornette Coleman 1971) - sivilisaatio
 Class: High class baby (Cliff Richard 1958) - luokka
 Clean: Clean-O (Woody Guthrie 1958) - puhdas
 Clear: It came upon a midnight clear (Frank Sinatra 1957) - selvä
 Clever: Clever girl (Tower of Power 1973) - fiksu
 Clock: One o'clock jump (Benny Goodman 1938) - kello
 Closet: Blues in the closet (Stan Getz & J. J. Johnson 1957) - vessa
 Clothes: The king's new clothes (Danny Kaye 1952) - vaatteet
 Cloud: On a turquoise cloud (Duke Ellington 1947) - pilvi
 Coal: Coal cart blues (Eva Taylor 1925) - hiili
 Coast: West coast blues (Blind Blake 1926) - rannikko
 Coat: Yellow coat (Screamin' Jay Hawkins 1957) - takki
 Cocaine (Tom Rush 1963) - kokaiini
 Cocoanut: Cocoanut sweet (Lena Horne 1957) - kookospähkinä
 Coffee: You're the cream in my coffee (Emmett Miller 1929) - kahvi
 Coffin: Grandma's coffin (Cannonball Adderley 1958) - arkku
 Coin: Three coins in the fountain (the Four Aces 1954) - kolikko
 Cold: Cold in hand blues (Bessie Smith 1925) - kylmä
 Colonel: Colonel Rodney (Dubliners 1964) - eversti
 Colonization (New Colony Six 1967) - kolonisaatio
 Colorado: Out in Colorado (the Belmonts 1957)
 Combination: Combination of the two (Janis Joplin & Big Brother and the Holding Company 1968) - yhdistelmä
 Combustion: Spontaneous combustion (Cannonball Adderley 1955)
 Comfort: Too close for comfort (Sammy Davis jr. 1956) - mukavuus
 Comic: Electric comic book (Blues Magoos 1967) - sarjakuvalehti
 Command: Ranger's command (Joan Baez 1965) - käsky
 Commercial (the Tokens 1968) - mainos
 Common: Nothing in common (Frank Sinatra 1958) - yleinen
 Communism: Flag and communism (Lenny Bruce 1961) - kommunismi
 Companion: Dear companion (Carolyn Hester 1962) - toveri
 Compulsion (Miles Davis 1953) - pakko
 Computer: Miss Clarke and the computer (Roy Wood 1973) - tietokone
 Concentrate: I concentrate on You (Ella Fitzgerald 1956) - keskittyä
 Concentration camp: Sleeper's concentration camp (Tabata 1998) - keskitysleiri
 Concrete: Concrete and clay (Unit Four Plus Two 1965) - konkreettinen
 Condom (Achisa 1999) - kondomi
 Coney Island: Coney Island washboard (Nitty Gritty Dirt Band 1967)
 Confess: I'm confessin' (Louis Armstrong 1930) - tunnustaa
 Confirmation (Charlie Parker 1953) - konfirmaatio
 Confusion (Dizzy Gillespie 1954) - sekaannus
 Conscience: Guilty conscience (Cochran Brothers 1956) - omatunto
 Constant: Man of constant sorrow (Bob Dylan 1961) - alituinen
 Constantinople (Dizzy Gillespie 1959) - Konstantinopoli
 Contribution: Ella's contribution to the blues (Ella Fitzgerald 1952) - avustus
 Control: I lost control of myself (Nat King Cole 1939) - kontrolli
 Conversation (Charles Mingus 1957) - keskustelu
 Cool: Keep cool, fool (Ella Fitzgerald 1941) - viileä
 Copenhagen (Fletcher Henderson 1924) - Kööpenhamina
 Cork: Cork 'n' bib (Lee Konitz 1956) - korkki
 Corn: Jim crack corn (Pete Seeger 1951) - maissi
 Cornet: Cornet shop Suey (Hot Five 1926)
 Cornwall: Cornwall blank (America 1972)
 Coronation: Coronation rag (Winifred Atwell 1952) - kruunajaiset
 Corpse: Bill's corpse (Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band 1969) - ruumis
 Corruption: Money and corruption (the Kinks 1973) - korruptio
 Corvette: Little red Corvette (Prince 1982)
 Cosmic: Cosmic ray (Charlie Parker 1952) - kosminen
 Cottage: Cottage for sale (Dinah Washington 1956) - mökki
 Cotton: Cotton tail (Duke Ellington 1943) - puuvilla
 Cotton field: Old cotton fields at home (Odetta 1954) - puuvillapelto
 Count: Countin' the blues (Ma Rainey 1924) - laskea
 Country: Open country (Stan Getz 1954) - maaseutu
 Courage: Badge of courage (Barry Sadler Staff Sgt. 1966) - rohkeus
 Cousin: Cousin Mary (John Coltrane 1958) - serkku
 Cowboy: Lonesome cowboy (Elvis Presley 1957)
 Cowgirl: Cowgirl in the sand (Neil Young & Crazy Horse 1969) - lehmityttö
 Cradle: Indian cradle song (Louis Armstrong 1930) - kehto
 Cramp: I'm cramped (the Cramps 1980) - kouristus
 Crash on the levee (down in the flood) (Bob Dylan and the Band 1967) - törmäys
 Crawl: Alligator crawl (Hot Seven 1927) - ryömiminen
 Crazy: You're drivin' me crazy (Louis Armstrong 1930) - hullu
 Cream: You're the cream in my coffee (Emmett Miller 1929) - kerma
 Creation: Creation of love (Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers 1958) - luominen
 Creek: Payday at coal creek (Odetta 1954)
 Creep: Jeepers creepers (Louis Armstrong 1938)
 Cricket: My cricket (Leon Russell 1972)
 Crime: My crime (Canned Heat 1968) - rikos
 Criminal: Have mercy on the criminal (Elton John 1973) - rikollinen
 Cripple: Cripple crapple (Dizzy Gillespie 1952) - vammainen
 Critics (Lenny Bruce 1961) - kritiikki
 Crocodile: Crocodile walk (John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers 1964) - krokotiili
 Cross: I've got my fingers crossed (Louis Armstrong 1935) - ristissä
 Cross road blues (Robert Johnson 1937) - risteys
 Crucifixion (Phil Ochs 1968) - ristiinnaulitseminen
 Cruel: Don't be cruel (Elvis Presley 1956) - julma
 Cruise: Cruising down the river (Connie Francis 1959) - risteillä
 Crusade (John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers 1967) - ristiretki
 Crusader (the Hollies 1967) - ristiretkeläinen
 Crush: I've got a crush on You (Ella Fitzgerald 1950) - ihastua
 Cry: Crying my heart out for You (Ella Fitzgerald 1936) - itku
 Cunt: From the cunt of the fucking whore (Lethal Aggression 1985) - vittu
 Curiosity (Herbie Hancock 1966) - uteliaisuus
 Curse: Curse of an aching heart (Frank Sinatra 1961) - kirous
 Cute: Cute little deal (Chico Hamilton 1955) - sievä
 Cypress: Cypress grove blues (Skip James 1964) - sypressi
 Dachau: Dachau blues (Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band 1969)
 Dad: Singin' the blues ('till my daddy comes home) (Bix Beiderbecke 1927)
 Dagenham Dave (the Stranglers 1977)
 Dagger: Silver dagger (Joan Baez 1960) - tikari
 Dakar (John Coltrane 1957)
 Dakota: Black hills of Dakota (the Springfields 1962)
 Damage: The needle and the damage done (Neil Young & Stray Gators 1971)
 Damn: Mississippi goddamn (Nina Simone 1959) - kirottu
 Damnation: Damnation alley (Hawkwind 1977) - kirous
 Dance: Ragtime dance (Scott Joplin 1902) - tanssi
 Dandy: Fine and dandy (Art Tatum 1945) - keikari
 Danger: There's danger in Your eyes, cherie (Thelonious Monk 1959) - vaara
 Dangerous: I'm a dangerous man (Roosevelt Sykes 1966) - vaarallinen
 Dare: I double dare You (Louis Armstrong 1938) - välittää
 Dark: Sittin' in the dark (Louis Armstrong 1933) - hämärä
 Darn: Darn that dream (Miles Davis 1948) - parsia
 Dark: Sittin' in the dark (Louis Armstrong 1933) - pimeä
 Darkness: Prince of darkness (Miles Davis 1962) - pimeys
 Darling: Darling Nelly Gray (the Mills Brothers 1937) - kultu
 Data: Access to data (Brand X 1978)
 Date: A monday date (Louis Armstrong 1928) - treffit
 Daughter: She's the daughter of a planter from Havana (Louis Armstrong 1936) - tytär
 Dawn: Twas the dawn of a beautiful day (Eddy Arnold 1955) - aamunkoitto
 Day: Don't forget You'll regret day by day (Fletcher Henderson 1924) - päivä
 Daydream: Daydreaming (Doris Day & Andre Previn 1961) - päiväunelma
 Dead: Dead shrimp blues (Robert Johnson 1936) - kuollut
 Deaf: Turn a deaf ear (Lindisfarne 1970) - kuuro
 Deal: Last fair deal gone down (Robert Johnson 1937) - sopimus
 Death: the angel of death (Hank Williams 1951) - kuolema
 Death Valley blues (Snooks Eaglin 1958)
 Debut (Oscar Peterson 1950) - debyytti
 Decadence (Kevin Ayers 1972)
 December: December blue (Duke Ellington 1953) - joulukuu
 Decision (Sonny Rollins 1956) - päätös
 Dedicate: Dedicated to You (Ella Fitzgerald 1937) - omistettu
 Degree: Two degrees east, three degrees west (John Lewis 1956) - aste
 Delete: Expletive deleted (Seventh Angel 1990)
 Delight: Webb's delight (Tadd Dameron 1949) - ihastus
 Democrat: Democrat man (John Lee Hooker 1960) - demokraatti
 Demolition (the Kinks 1973)
 Demon: Little demon (Screamin' Jay Hawkins 1957) - demoni
 Denim: Black denim trousers and motorcycle boots (the Beach Boys 1963) - farkkukangas
 Denmark: Denmark blues (Sleepy John Estes 1966) - Tanska
 Denver: A mile high in Denver (Jimmy Buffett 1970)
 Depend: You can depend on me (Louis Armstrong 1931)
 Design: Pictures and design (the Seeds 1966) - muotoilu
 Desire: That's my desire (Ella Fitzgerald 1947) - halu
 Desperado (Alice Cooper 1971)
 Desperate: These desperate hours (Mel Torme 1958) - epätoivoinen
 Destination: Destination moon (Dinah Washington 1962) - päämäärä
 Destiny: You are my destiny (Paul Anka 1957) - kohtalo
 Destroy: Don't destroy me (Lowell Fulson 1970) - tuhota
 Destruction: Eve of destruction (Barry McGuire 1965) - tuho
 Determination (Smokey Robinson & the Miracles 1962) - määräys
 Detonation (Bloodgood 1987)
 Detour: Detour ahead (Stan Getz, Gerry Mulligan & Oscar Peterson 1957) - kiertotie
 Detroit: Detroit City blues (Fats Domino 1958)
 Devastation: Bestial devastation (Sepultura 1984) - järkytys
 Devil: Between the devil and the deep blue sea (Louis Armstrong 1932) - paholainen
 Diaper: Michelle Pfeiffer's diaper (SNFU 1996) - vaippa
 Diarrhea: Eric meets the moose diarrhea salesman (Jello Biafra 1994) - ripuli
 Diary: The diary (Anthony and the Imperials 1958) - kalenteri
 Diamond: Jack o'diamonds (Odetta 1956) - timantti
 Dictator: Fascist dictator (the Cortinas 1977) - diktaattori
 Diddy wah diddy (Bo Diddley, Willie Dixon & Little Willie Smith 1955)
 Diet: The diet song (Shel Silverstein 1972) - dieetti
 Different: You are so different (Nat King Cole 1939) - erilainen
 Dinner: Dinner for one please, James (Nat King Cole 1954) - päivällinen
 Direct: Appel direct (Django Reinhardt 1935) - suora
 Dirty: It's a low down dirty shame (Big Bill Broonzy 1938) - likainen
 Disappointment: Disappointment number (Steppenwolf 1968) - pettymys
 Disaster: Great dust storm (dust storm disaster) (Woody Guthrie 1940) - tuho
 Discoveries (Cannonball Adderley 1955) - löydöt
 Discussion: Percussion discussion (Charles Mingus & Max Roach 1955) - keskustelu
 Disease: Love disease (Paul Butterfield 1969) - tauti
 Disgrace: Yours is no disgrace (Yes 1971) - häpeä
 Disguise (Ornette Coleman 1958) - valepuku
 Disgust: Blues and disgusted (Memphis Slim 1960) - inho
 Distance: Long distance call (Muddy Waters 1964) - etäisyys
 Distant: Distant drums (Jim Reeves 1963) - etäinen
 Distortion: War of distortion (the Leaves 1966)
 Distress: Ship in distress (Martin Carthy & Dave Swarbrick 1968) - merihätä
 Disturb: Do not disturb (Elvis Presley 1965) - häiritä
 Divination (Nasty Savage 1987)
 Divorce: D-I-V-O-R-C-E (Dolly Parton 1969) - ero
 Dixieland: There ain't no land like Dixieland to me (Bix Beiderbecke 1927)
 Dodger: Draft dodger rag (Phil Ochs 1965) - väistelevä
 Do: Something doing (Scott Joplin 1903) - tehdä
 Dog: Police dog blues (Blind Blake 1929) - koira
 Doll: Sweet baby doll (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - nukke
 Dollar: Greenback dollar (Woody Guthrie 1940) - dollari
 Dolphin: On green dolphin street (Miles Davis 1958) - delfiini
 Domination: Island of domination (Judas Priest 1976) - dominointi
 Donkey: Run, little donkey (the Limeliters 1962) - aasi
 Donna Donna (Joan Baez 1960)
 Doom: Dr. Doom (Thirteenth Floor Elevators 1968) - tuomio
 Door: Heaven's doors are open wide (Tadd Dameron 1949) - ovi
 Dope: The gentleman is a dope (Ella Fitzgerald 1948)
 Double: I double dare You (Louis Armstrong 1938) - kaksinkertainen
 Doubt: Why doubt my love? (Louis Armstrong 1947) - epäillä
 Doughnut (Ornette Coleman 1962) - munkki
 Drag: Sunflower slow drag (Scott Joplin 1901)
 Dragon: Dragon rock (Bill Haley and his Comets 1954) - lohikäärme
 Dragonfly: Little lamb dragonfly (Paul McCartney 1973) - sudenkorento
 Dreadful: Lord is in this place ... how dreadful is this place (Fairport Convention 1969) - kammottava
 Dream: Mabel's dream (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - uni
 Dress: All dressed up and lonely (Jim Reeves 1962) - pukeutua
 Drift: Giant swing (drifting on a reed) (Charlie Parker 1947) - ajelehtia
 Drink: Bring another drink (Nat King Cole 1944) - juotava
 Drive: You're drivin' me crazy (Louis Armstrong 1930) - ajaa
 Drop: Droppin' shucks (Hot Five 1926) - pudottaa
 Drown: Drown in my own tears (Ray Charles 1957) - hukkua
 Drug: Drug store truck drivin' man (the Byrds 1968) - lääke, huume
 Drunk: Drunken hearted man (Robert Johnson 1937) - juopunut
 Duck: The ugly duckling (Danny Kaye 1952) - ankka
 Dull: Never a dull moment (Rod Stewart 1972) - tylsä
 Dumb: She was so dumb (Brian Auger 1969) - mykkä
 Dumbo (Fireballs 1963)
 Dust: Stardust (Louis Armstrong 1931) - pöly
 Duty: Do Your duty (Bessie Smith 1933) - velvollisuus
 Dwarf: Heigh-ho (the Dwarfs' marching song) (Dave Brubeck 1957) - kääpiö
 Dynamite (Cliff Richard 1959) - dynamiitti
 Eagle: (Under the screaming double) Eagle (Litter 1967) - kotka
 Early: Early every morn (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - aikaisin
 East: East St. Louis toodleoo (Duke Ellington 1947) - itä
 East Virginia (Carolyn Hester 1962)
 Easy: The easy winners (Scott Joplin 1901) - helppo
 Earth: To the ends of the earth (Nat King Cole 1956) - maa
 Echo: Echoes of Harlem (Duke Ellington 1947) - kaiku
 Ecstasy: Morning ecstasy (under the scaffold) (Stan Getz 1965) - ekstaasi
 Effect: Bottle, take effect (Jim Reeves 1963) - teho
 Egg: Big butter and egg man (Hot Five 1926) - muna
 Ego (Gong 1969)
 El Paso (Marty Robbins 1959)
 Eleanor Rigby (the Beatles 1966)
 Election: North minehead election (Monty Python's Flying Circus 1970) - vaali
 Electric chair: Send me to the 'lectric chair (Bessie Smith 1927) - sähkötuoli
 Electricity (Captain Beefheart 1967) - sähkö
 Electronic sound (George Harrison 1969) - elektroninen
 Elephant: Camels and elephants (Graham Bond Organization 1965) - norsu
 Elimination: Mr. eliminator (Dick Dale 1964) - poistaminen
 Elite: Elite syncopations (Scott Joplin 1902)
 Else: No one else but You (Louis Armstrong 1928) - muu
 Elvis Presley: Elvis Presley and America (U2 1984)
 Embraceable You (Nat King Cole 1944) - halattava
 Embryo: Embryonic journey (Jefferson Airplane 1967) - sikiö
 Emotion: Mixed emotions (Ella Fitzgerald 1951) - tunne
 Emperor: The emperor of Wyoming (Neil Young 1968) - keisari
 Empire: Empire state montage (Vic Damone 1957)
 Empty: Empty ballroom (Ella Fitzgerald 1953) - tyhjä
 End: West End blues (Louis Armstrong 1928) - loppu
 Endless (Dickie Valentine 1954) - loputon
 Energy: Artificial energy (the Byrds 1968) - energia
 Engine: Engine 143 (Joan Baez 1961) - kone
 Engineer: The monkey & the engineer (Jesse Fuller 1961) - insinööri
 Enjoy: I enjoy being a girl (Peggy Lee 1960) - nauttia
 Enough: Once is enough for me (Ella Fitzgerald 1939) - tarpeeksi
 Entertain: The Entertainer (Scott Joplin 1902) - viihdyttää
 Entry: Late entry (Cannonball Adderley 1955)
 Equipment: Where's our equipment? (Frank Zappa 1967) - laitteisto
 Erection: My erection is over (the Mentors 1985) - erektio
 Erotica (the Man 1969)
 Error: Lost and found by trial and error (Steppenwolf 1968) - erehdys
 Escape: I can't escape from You (Hank Williams 1952) - paeta
 Eskimo: Never do a tango with an eskimo (Alma Cogan 1955)
 Eternal: Eternal triangle (Dizzy Gillespie 1957) - ikuinen
 Eternally (George Benson 1966) - ikuisesti
 Eternity: Three day eternity (Richie Havens 1967) - ikuisuus
 Euphonic: Euphonic sound (Scott Joplin 1909)
 Euthanasia waltz (Brand X 1976) - armokuolema
 European: For Europeans only (Illinois Jacquet 1947) - eurooppalainen
 Evacuation: Premature evacuation (Impulse Manslaughter 1987) - evakuoiminen
 Evening: In the cool of the evening (Nat King Cole 1946) - ilta
 Every: Early every morn (Louis Armstrong & King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - jokainen
 Everybody: Everybody loves my baby (Alberta Hunter 1924) - kaikki
 Evolution: Evolution of man (Herbie Mann 1957) - evoluutio
 Eyes: Tell me, dreamy eyes (Fletcher Henderson 1924) - silmät
 Excuses, excuses (the Seeds 1966) - tekosyy
 Exept: Eveybody's got to something to hide except me and my monkey (the Beatles 1968) - paitsi
 Exercise: Exercise in swing (Lester Young 1956) - harjoitus
 Exit: South street exit (Eric Dolphy 1963) - uloskäynti
 Exodus (Grant Green 1961) - pako
 Expand: I'm expanding my mind (Superdrag 1998) - laajentaa
 Expect: Expecting to fly (Buffalo Springfield 1967) - odottaa
 Expensive: My time is expensive (Clarence Gatemouth Brown 1973) - kallis
 Experience: Wanted: lover, no experience necessary (Laura Lee 1967) - kokeneisuus
 Expert: Expert on me (Talas 1979) - asiantuntija
 Explain: Can anyone explain? (Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong 1950) - selittää
 Explanations (Gil Scott-Heron 1982) - selitykset
 Exposure (the Modern Jazz Quartet 1967)
 Fable: Fables aren't nothing but doggone lies (Jesse Fuller 1959) - satu
 Face: I saw Your face in the moon (Webb Pierce 1951) - kasvot
 Fact: That's a natural fact (Nat King Cole 1947) - tosiasia
 Factory: Plastic factory (Captain Beefheart 1967) - tehdas
 Faggot: Dykes and faggots (Lenny Bruce 1961)
 Fair: Last fair deal gone down (Robert Johnson 1937) - reilu
 Fairy tales (Ella Fitzgerald 1949) - satuja
 Faith: Faith can move mountains (Nat King Cole 1952) - usko
 Faithless: Faithless love (Linda Ronstadt 1974) - uskoton
 Fall: Falling in love with You (Louis Armstrong 1935) - rakastua
 False: False start (Lester Young & the Oscar Peterson Trio 1952) - väärä
 Family: I come from a mucical family (Louis Armstrong 1936) - perhe
 Famous blues (Tony Williams 1970) - kuuluisa
 Fanatic: Fanatical fascists (Gary Moore 1979) - fanaattinen
 Fantastic: Fantastic waltz (Eddie Harris 1962) - fantastinen
 Fantasy: Bechet's fantasy (Sidney Bechet 1939) - fantasia
 Farewell: Farewell blues (Charlie Parker 1949) - jäähyväiset
 Farm: Animal farm (Jesse Fuller 1959) - maatila
 Fart: Old fart at play (Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band 1969) - pieru
 Fascination (Nat King Cole 1953) - lumous
 Fascist: Fascist dictator (the Cortinas 1977) - fasisti
 Fast: Talk fast, my heart, talk fast (Ella Fitzgerald 1949) - nopea
 Father: Lead my Father (Johnny Cash 1959) - isä
 Favour: One kind favour (Lightnin' Hopkins 1952) - suosio
 Fear: Fools rush in (where angels fear to...) (Doris Day & Andre Previn 1961) - pelko
 Feather: Feather bed (Gus Cannon & Noah Lewis 1928) - höyhen
 February: February brings the rain (Julie London 1956) - helmikuu
 Feed: Feed me (Georgie Fame & the Blue Flames 1966) - ruokkia
 Feel: Lookin' good but feelin' bad (Fats Waller 1927) - tuntea
 Fellow: Fellow needs a girl (Doris Day 1960) - kaveri
 Female: Finnish female pop star (Gregory Allan Fitzpatrick 1966) - naispuolinen
 Ferry: The ferryboat serenade (the Andrews Sisters 1940) - lautta
 Fever: I got the spring fever blues (Ella Fitzgerald 1936) - kuume
 Fiddle: I ain't goin' to play second fiddle (Bessie Smith 1925) - viulu
 Field: Texas oil fields (Woody Guthrie 1940) - kenttä
 Fig: Fig leaf rag (Scott Joplin 1908) - viikuna
 Fight: Haitian fight song (Charles Mingus 1955) - taistelu
 Finance: Romance without finance (Charlie Parker 1944) - raha
 Fine: Fine and dandy (Art Tatum 1945) - hieno
 Finger: I've got my fingers crossed (Louis Armstrong 1935) - sormi
 Finnish: Finnish female pop star (Gregory Allan Fitzpatrick 1966) - suomalainen
 Fire: Fireworks (Louis Armstrong 1928) - tuli
 Fish: Devil ant the fish (Dizzy Gillespie 1954) - kala
 Fix: How are Ya' fixed for love? (Frank Sinatra 1958) - korjata
 Flag: Flag and communism (Lenny Bruce 1961) - lippu
 Flame: My old flame (Charlie Parker 1948) - liekki
 Flamingo (Stan Getz 1954)
 Flashback (the Ventures 1963) - leimahdus
 Flat: Flat foot Susie with her flat yes yes (Big Bill Broonzy 1938) - lättä
 Flight: Holiday flight (Art Pepper 1952) - lento
 Fly: Straighten up and fly right (Nat King Cole 1944) - lentää
 Floater (Henry Mancini 1959) - kelluva
 Flood: Los Angeles New year's flood (Woody Guthrie 1940) - tulva
 Floor: Walking the floor over You (the Collins Kids 1958) - lattia
 Florida: Goin' back to Florida (Lightnin' Hopkins 1959) 
 Flower: Sunflower slow drag (Scott Joplin 1901) - kukka
 Focus (Tadd Dameron 1949) - kohdistus
 Fog: Foggy mountain top (Woody Guthrie 1940) - sumu
 Folks: The old folks at home (the Mills Brothers 1937) - väki
 Follow: I'll follow You (Thelonious Monk 1952) - seurata
 Folsom: Folsom prison blues (Johnny Cash 1955)
 Foolish (Ella Fitzgerald 1935) - hupsu
 Football: Football blues (Holy Modal Rounders 1967) - jalkapallo
 Forbid: Don't forbid me (Pat Boone 1957) - kieltää
 Force: Tour de force (Dizzy Gillespie 1955) - voima
 Foreign policy (the Buckinghams 1967) - ulkopolitiikka
 Foreigner: Foreigner in a free land (Ornette Coleman 1972) - ulkomaalainen
 Forest: I heard a forest praying (Johnny Mathis 1958) - metsä
 Forever: I'm forever blowing bubbles (Les Paul & Mary Ford 1951) - ikuisesti
 Forget: Don't forget You'll regret day by day (Fletcher Henderson 1924) - unohtaa
 Forgive: Forgive my heart (Nat King Cole 1955) - antaa anteeksi
 Fort Lauderdale chamber of commerce (Elvis Presley 1965)
 Fountain: Three coins in the fountain (the Four Aces 1954) - suihkulähde
 Fourth of July: Fourth of July parade (the McGuire Sisters 1956) - Neljäs heinäkuuta
 Freak: Speed-freak boogie (Frank Zappa 1962) - friikki
 Freedom: Song of freedom (Bing Crosby 1950) - vapaus
 Freeze: Freeze to me, mama (John Koerner, Dave Ray & Tony Glover 1964)
 Freight: Freight train blues (Webb Pierce 1951) - rahti
 Friday: Friday the 13th (Thelonious Monk 1953) - perjantai
 Friend: When You got a good friend (Robert Johnson 1936) - ystävä
 Frightened: Frightened city (the Shadows 1963) - kauhistunut
 Frigid: Frigid bitch (Anacrusis 1988) - frigidi
 Frost: There's frost on the moon (Ella Fitzgerald 1937) - pakkanen
 Frozen: Frozen logger (Odetta 1954) - jäätynyt
 Fruit: Strange fruit (Billie Holiday 1956) - hedelmä
 Fuck: Fuck off (Jayne County 1977) - naida
 Fuel: Nitro fuel (Dick Dale 1964) - polttoaine
 Full: I've got a heart full of rhythm (Louis Armstrong 1936) - täynnä
 Funeral: Your funeral and my trial (Sonny Boy Williamson 1959) - hautajaiset
 Funky blues (Charlie Parker 1952)
 Funny: Love, You funny thing (Louis Armstrong 1932) - hauska
 Future: Days of future passed (the Moody Blues 1967) - tulevaisuus
 Galaxy: World galaxy (Alice Coltrane 1971) - galaksi
 Gallow: Gallows tree (gallows pole) (Odetta 1957) - hirsipuu
 Gambler: Dying gambler's blues (Bessie Smith 1923) - peluri
 Game: It's all in the game (Nat King Cole 1957) - peli
 Gang: Chain gang (Jimmy Young 1956) - jengi
 Garbage: Duet for violin and garbage disposal (Spike Jones 1957) - roska
 Gehenna: The gates of Gehenna (Cloven Hoof 1982)
 General: The four insurgent generals (Paul Robeson 1949) - kenraali
 Generation: This younger generation (Louis Armstrong 1956) - sukupolvi
 Gentleman: The gentleman is a dope (Ella Fitzgerald 1948) - herrasmies
 Georgia: Georgia grind (Hot Five 1926)
 Germany: Wars of Germany (Judy Collins 1961) - Saksa
 Ghost: Ghost of the St. Louis blues (Emmett Miller 1929) - aave
 Giant: Giant swing (drifting on a reed) (Charlie Parker 1947) - jättiläinen
 Gigolo: Just a gigolo (Louis Armstrong 1931)
 Girl: I want a little girl (Louis Armstrong 1946) - tyttö
 Girlfriend: The girlfriend of the whirling dervish (Chet Atkins 1961) - tyttöystävä
 Glad: Gee, but I'm glad to know (Ella Fitzgerald 1952) - ilo
 Gladiolus: Gladiolus rag (Scott Joplin 1907)
 Glasgow: Glasgow gaelic club (Battlefield Band 1976)
 Glue: Fever glue (Fever Tree 1969) - liima
 Glycerine queen (Suzi Quatro 1973) - glyseriini
 Gnome: The laughing gnome (David Bowie 1967) - tonttu
 Goat: Billy goat hill (Glenn Yarbrough 1965) - vuohi
 God: God's river (Emmett Miller 1928) - Jumala
 Goddess: Goddess of love (the Marvelettes 1962) - jumalatar
 Gold: Lover's gold (Ella Fitzgerald 1935) - kulta
 Gold rush (Stan Getz 1950) - kultaryntäys
 Golden: In a golden coach (Dickie Valentine 1953) - kultainen
 Good: You've been a good ole wagon (Bessie Smith 1925) - hyvä
 Goose: The grey goose (Leadbelly 1948) - hanhi
 Gorilla (Bonzo Dog Band 1967)
 Gossip: Idle gossip (Cliff Richard 1961) - juoru
 Government man (Patto 1970) - hallitus
 Grace: Amazing grace (Jesse Fuller 1955)
 Grandfather: The great grandfather (Bo Diddley 1955) - isoisä
 Grape: Daddy grapes (Grant Green 1965) - viinirypäle
 Grapevine: I heard it through the grapevine (Gladys Knight & the Pips 1967)
 Grateful: I'm grateful (Four Tops 1965) - kiitollinen
 Grave: Graveyard dream blues (Bessie Smith 1923) - hauta
 Gray: Blue, turning gray over You (Louis Armstrong 1930) - harmaa
 Grease: Greasy spoon (Bo Diddley 1965) - rasva
 Great: Great dust storm (dust storm disaster) (Woody Guthrie 1940) - suuri
 Greece (George Harrison 1982) - Kreikka
 Greedy: I'm a greedy man (James Brown 1972) - ahne
 Greek: Zorba the greek (Herb Alpert 1965) - kreikkalainen
 Green river (Creedence Clearwater Revival 1969) - vihreä joki
 Greenland: The girl from Greenland (Chet Baker 1956) - Grönlanti
 Grievous: Return of the grievous angel (Gram Parsons 1968)
 Groove: Groovin' high (Charlie Parker & Dizzy Gillespie Sextet 1945)
 Ground: My feet hit the ground (Cliff Richard 1958) - maa
 Grow: You will never grow old (Nat King Cole 1952) - kasvaa
 Guerilla (Gil Scott-Heron 1975) - sissi
 Guernica: In Guernica (Joan Baez 1968)
 Guess: Take another guess (Ella Fitzgerald 1936) - arvaus
 Guilty (Ella Fitzgerald 1947) - syyllinen
 Gumbo: Hippy gumbo (Marc Bolan 1966)
 Guru: Sit with the guru (Strawberry Alarm Clock 1967)
 Gutter: Skip the gutter (Louis Armstrong 1928) - likaoja
 Habit: Buddy's habits (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - tapa
 Hair: I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair (Ella Fitzgerald 1935) - tukka
 Hairway: Hairway to Steven (Butthole Surfers 1988) - karvareitti
 Haiti: Haitian fight song (Charles Mingus & Max Roach 1955)
 Hallucinations (Miles Davis 1948) - hallusinaatio
 Hamburger midnight (Little Feat 1970) - hampurilainen
 Hand: Cold in hand blues (Bessie Smith 1925) - käsi
 Handsome: Brown-eyed handsome man (Chuck Berry 1958) - komea
 Happen: That will happen no more (Blind Blake 1927) - tapahtua
 Happiness: My happiness (Ella Fitzgerald & the Song Spinners 1948) - onnellisuus
 Happy talk (Ella Fitzgerald 1935) - onnellinen
 Hard: A good man is hard to find (Bessie Smith 1927) - vaikea
 Hardcore: Hardcore jollies (Funkadelic 1976)
 Harem holiday (Elvis Presley 1965) - haaremi
 Harlem fuss (Fats Waller 1927)
 Harmony (Nat King Cole 1947) - harmonia
 Hashish (Hair 1968)
 Hastings street (Blind Blake 1929)
 Hate: I hate to be alone (Roosevelt Sykes 1961) - vihata
 Haunting we go (the McGuire Sisters 1956) - metsästää
 Hawaiian song (Leadbelly 1948) - Havaiji
 Hazard: High sheriff of hazard (Tom Paxton 1964) - vaarallinen
 Head: Potato head blues (Hot Seven 1927) - pää
 Hear me talkin' to Ya (Louis Armstrong 1928) - kuulla
 Heart: Sobbin' hearted blues (Bessie Smith 1925) - sydän
 Heat wave (Ella Fitzgerald 1948) - kuumuus
 Heaven is my view (Bo Weavil Jackson 1926) - taivas
 Hellhound on my trail (Robert Johnson 1937) - helvetti
 Hellnation (Dead Kennedys 1985) - helvetin kansakunta
 Help: Bessie couldn't help it (Louis Armstrong 1930) - apu
 Heavy: Yea! Heavy and a bottle of bread (Bob Dylan & the Band 1967) - raskas
 Henry Martin (Joan Baez 1960)
 Heritage (Cannonball Adderley 1972) - perintö
 Hero: Turpin hero (Shirley Collins 1959) - sankari
 Heroin (the Velvet Underground & Nico 1966) - heroiini
 Herpes: Herpes simplex (Lizzy Mercier Desclouds 1979)
 Hesitating blues (Louis Armstrong 1954) - epäröidä
 Hibernation (Ted Nugent 1974)
 High society rag (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923)
 High school: High school confidental (Jerry Lee Lewis 1957) - lukio
 Highway: Will Rogers highway (Woody Guthrie 1940) - valtatie
 Highway 61 revisited (Bob Dylan 1965)
 Hippie boy (Flying Burrito Brothers 1969) - hippi
 History: A lesson in history (Leadbelly 1948) - historia
 Hitch: I'd like to hitch a ride with Santa Claus (the Andrews Sisters 1951)
 Hitler is alive and well (Third World 1975) - Adolf Hitler
 Hobby: Just above my hobby horse's head (Richie Havens 1969) - harrastus
 Hobo: The road is rough (when I started hoboing) (John Lee Hooker 1956) - kulkuri
 Hold tight (the Andrews Sisters 1938) - pidellä
 Hole: Keyhole blues (Hot Seven 1927) - reikä
 Holiday: Holiday in Harlem (Ella Fitzgerald 1937) - loma
 Hollywood: Hollywood rag (Gus Cannon & Noah Lewis 1928)
 Holy: Holy smoke baby (the Cadillacs 1958) - pyhä
 Home: Baby won't You please come home (Bessie Smith 1923) - koti
 Homesick: Workin' with homesick (James Williamson 1964) - koti-ikävä
 Homicide: Homicidal suicidal (Budgie 1971)
 Honey: Honey, do! (Louis Armstrong 1933) - hunaja
 Honeymoon blues (Robert Johnson 1937) - kuherruskuukausi
 Hong Kong (Screamin' Jay Hawkins 1957)
 Honky-tonk: Down in honky-tonk town (Louis Armstrong 1940) - kapakka
 Honolulu Lulu (Jan and Dean 1963)
 Honor: On my word of honor (B. B. King 1963) - kunnia
 Honour: Honour Your father and mother (Desmond Dekker 1963)
 Hope: I hope Gabriel likes my music (Louis Armstrong 1935) - toivo
 Horizon: Beyond the blue horizon (Chico Hamilton 1958) - horisontti
 Horn: Horn culture (Sonny Rollins 1973)
 Horny: Horny frog (Big Bill Broonzy 1937) - kiimainen
 Horror: Hallucination horrors (the Fugs 1965) - kauhu
 Horse: The horse told me (Nat King Cole 1949) - hevonen
 Hospital: Washington D.C. hospital center blues (Skip James 1964) - sairaala
 Hostage (Judy Collins 1973) - panttivanki
 Hotel: There's a small hotel (Ella Fitzgerald 1949) - hotelli
 Hotel California (Eagles 1976)
 Hound: Hellhound on my trail (Robert Johnson 1937) - hurtta
 Hour: Dyin' by the hour (Bessie Smith 1927) - tunti
 House: Limehouse blues (Django Reinhardt 1935) - talo
 Huge: One huge road (Golden Earring 1970) - suunnaton
 Human: To make a mistake is human (Ella Fitzgerald 1948) - ihminen
 Humble: Live a-humble (Ian & Sylvia 1962) - nöyrä
 Humility: Shame, humility, revenge (Skin 1988) - nöyryytys
 Humming bird (the Chordettes 1955) - kolibri
 Humor: On humor (Lenny Bruce 1961) - huumori
 Hunger: Love, let me not hunger (Glenn Yarbrough 1965) - nälkä
 Hunt: Keeper went a hunting (Shirley Collins 1959) - metsästys
 Hurdy gurdy man (the Spectres 1966)
 Hurricane (Collins Kids 1958) - hurrikaani
 Hurry: Hurry home (Dizzy Gillespie 1952) - kiire
 Hurt: I'm hurtin' (Nat King Cole 1951) - sattua
 Husband: Be my husband (Nina Simone 1965) - aviomies
 Hush: Honey hush (Eddie Cole 1936)
 Hustler: Street corner hustler's blues (Lou Rawls 1966) - huora
 Hybrid (Siouxsie & the Banshees 1980) - hybridi
 Hymn: The hymn (superman) (Charlie Parker 1947) - hymni
 Hyperactive: Hyperactive child (Dead Kennedys 1981) - hyperaktiivinen
 Iceland (the Fall 1982) - Islanti
 Idaho (the Four Seasons 1968)
 Idea: Ray's idea (Miles Davis 1950)
 Idiot: The idiot bastard son (Frank Zappa 1967) - idiootti
 Idle: Idle gossip (Cliff Richard 1961) - joutilas
 Ignorance: Brute force and ignorance (Rory Gallagher 1978) - tietämättömyys
 Illegal: Illegal smile (John Prine 1971) - laiton
 Illinois: Illinois blues (Skip James 1964)
 Illness (the Black Crowes 1992) - sairaus
 Illumination! (Elvin Jones 1963)
 Illusion (Nat King Cole 1961)- illuusio
 Imagination (Ella Fitzgerald 1948)- mielikuvitus
 Immigrant: I pity the poor immigrant (Bob Dylan 1967) - maahanmuuttaja
 Immoral: Illegal, immoral and fattening (Flo & Eddie 1974) - moraaliton
 Impala: Impala saga (Mungo Jerry 1976)
 Impaler (Impaler 1985) - lävistäjä
 Impersonal: My impersonal life (Three Dog Night 1971)
 Impersonation: Sigmund Freud's impersonation of Albert Einstein in America (Randy Newman 1977)
 Important: Important exportin' man (New Riders of the Purple Sage 1973) - tärkeä
 Incarnation: Reincarnation of a lovebird (Charles Mingus 1957) - inkarnaatio
 Incest: The incest song (Buffy Sainte-Marie 1964) - insesti
 Inchworm (Danny Kaye 1952) - mittarimato
 Independent: A little bit of independent (Nat King Cole 1949) - itsenäinen
 Industry: Nine types of industrial pollution (Frank Zappa & the Mothers of Invention 1968) - teollisuus
 Indian: Indian cradle song (Louis Armstrong 1930) - intiaani
 Indiana (Nat King Cole 1942)
 Infection: Bad habits and infections (Hall and Oates 1977) - infektio
 Information: Useless information (the Move 1968) - informaatio
 Inhabitant: Moon inhabitants (Ornette Coleman 1959) - asukas
 Inherit: Inherit the wind (Elvis Presley 1969) - periä
 Inhibition: Half-mast inhibition (Charles Mingus 1960) - esto
 Innocent: Young and innocent days (the Kinks 1969) - viaton
 Insane: Insane asylum (Koko Taylor 1968) - mielenvikainen
 Insect: Hey there little insect (Jonathan Richman & the Modern Lovers 1976) - hyönteinen
 Instinct: Animal instinct (Elvis Presley 1965) - vietti
 Internal: Internal revenue (Lenny Bruce 1961) - sisäinen
 Internationalists (Style Council 1985)
 Interval: Blue interval (Charlie Christian 1944) - väliaika
 Invasion: Brain invasion (Billy Joel 1970) - tunkeutuminen
 Iowa (Slipknot 2001)
 Ireland: God save Ireland (the Dubliners 1969) - Irlanti
 Irish: Irish black bottom (Hot Five 1926) - irlantilainen
 Iron: Big iron (Marty Robbins 1959) - rauta
 Island: Song of the island (Louis Armstrong 1930) - saari
 Israel (Miles Davis 1949)
 Italy: Mambo italiano (Rosemary Clooney 1954) - Italia
 J. B. Lenoir: The death of J. B. Lenoir (John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers 1967)
 Jack Daniel's: Planxty Jack Daniels (Trapezoid 1978)
 Jacksonville (the Melvins 1996)
 Jaguar (Stan Getz 1952)
 Jail: Jail-house blues (Bessie Smith 1923) - vankila
 Jamaica: Jamaica farewell (Harry Belafonte 1956) - Jamaika
 Jambalaya (on the bayou) (Hank Williams 1952)
 James Dean (Eagles 1974)
 January: June in january (Julie London 1956) - tammikuu
 Jealous: I'm jealous (Ike & Tina Turner 1960) - mustasukkainen
 Jean Harlow (Leadbelly 1948)
 Jelly: Jelly bean blues (Ma Rainey 1924) - hyytelö
 Jerk: Buzz the jerk (the Pretty Things 1965)
 Jerusalem: Run, come see Jerusalem (Odetta 1954)
 Jesus: They laid Jesus Christ in his grave (Woody Guthrie 1940) - Jeesus
 Jetty: Down by the Jetty (Dr. Feelgood 1975) - laituri
 Jew (Spirit 1969) - juutalainen
 Jim Beam: Jim Beam and cool ass (Corrosion of Conformity 1992)
 Jim Crow (Leadbelly 1948)
 Jitterbug: I'm just a jitterbug (Ella Fitzgerald 1938)
 Jive: Don't jive me (Louis Armstrong 1928)
 John Henry (Leadbelly 1948)
 John Riley (Joan Baez 1960)
 Johnny B. Goode (Chuck Berry 1959)
 Joint: Rock the joint (Bill Haley & the Saddlemen 1951)
 Joke (Lenny Bruce 1961) - pila
 Joker (Herbie Mann 1965) - jokeri
 Jolly: Jolly banker (Woody Guthrie 1940) - kunnon
 Journey: Long long journey (Louis Armstrong 1946) - matka
 Joy: Kickapoo joy juice (Duke Ellington 1947) - ilo
 Jubilee (Louis Armstrong 1938) - juhla
 Judas: The ballad of Frankie Lee and Judas priest (Bob Dylan 1967) - Juudas
 Judge: Fantasy with the judge (Lenny Bruce 1961)- tuomari
 Judgment: If I had possession over Judgment day (Robert Johnson 1937) - tuomio
 Juice: Kickapoo joy juice (Duke Ellington 1947) - mehu
 Juicy: Juicy fruit (Coleman Hawkins 1957) - mehukas
 July: Sleigh ride in July (Julie London 1956) - heinäkuu
 Jump: Preaching blues (up jumped the devil) (Robert Johnson 1937) - hypätä
 June: June bug (Lester Young 1956) - kesäkuu
 Jungle: Air conditioned jungle (Duke Ellington 1946) - viidakko
 Juniper: Jennifer juniper (Donovan 1968) - kataja
 Junk: I'm waitin' for the junkman (Ella Fitzgerald 1949) - roska
 Juvenile: I'm not a juvenile delinquent (Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers 1956)
 Kalamazoo: (I've got a gal in) Kalamazoo (Glenn Miller 1942)
 Kangaroo: Tie me kangaroo down, sport (Rolf Harris 1960) - kenguru
 Kansas: Kansas City (Little Richard 1959)
 Keep: Keepin' out of mischief (Louis Armstrong 1932) - pysyä loitolla
 Kennedy: Kennedy acceptance speech (Lenny Bruce 1961) - John F. Kennedy
 Kentucky: Louisville, Kentucky (Ella Fitzgerald 1940)
 Kepone: Kepone factory (Dead Kennedys 1981)
 Kick: Kickin' the gong around (Louis Armstrong 1932) - potkia
 Kidnap (Lenny Bruce 1961) - kidnappaus
 Kill: Dust can't kill me (Woody Guthrie 1940) - tappaa
 Killer: Killer Joe (Lionel Hampton 1954) - tappaja
 Kingdom: You're my kingdom (Roger Miller 1966) - kuningaskunta
 Kinky reggae (Bob Marley & the Wailers 1972)
 Kiss: Love and kisses (Ella Fitzgerald 1935) - suudelma
 Kitchen: Kitchen man (Bessie Smith 1929) - keittiö
 Knee: Knee drops (Louis Armstrong 1928) - polvi
 Knight: Mr. knight (John Coltrane 1960) - ritari
 Knock: Keep a knockin' (Little Richard 1957) - koputtaa
 Know: Nobody knows the way I feel this morning (Louis Armstrong & King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - tietää
 Knoxville: Knoxville girl (the Louvin Brothers 1956)
 Ku Klux Klan (Lenny Bruce 1961)
 Kung Fu (the Eric Dolphy memorial barbecue) (Frank Zappa & Petit Wazoo 1973)
 Ladies: Sail away ladies (Odetta 1957) - naiset
 Lady: Sophisticated lady (Duke Ellington 1945) - nainen
 Ladybird (Philly Joe Jones 1968) - leppäkerttu
 Lake Superior (Leadbelly 1948) - Yläjärvi
 Lamb: Lamb leopard (Modern Jazz Quartet 1962) - lammas
 Lambeth walk (Django Reinhardt 1935)
 Land: There ain't no land like Dixieland to me (Bix Beiderbecke 1927) - maa
 Landscape: Autumn landscape (Chico Hamilton 1957) - maisema
 Language: Animal language (Lou Reed 1974) - kieli
 Laramie: The man from Laramie (Jimmy Young 1955)
 Laredo: Streets of Laredo (Marty Robbins 1960)
 Las Vegas: Viva Las Vegas! (Elvis Presley 1964)
 Last: Where did You stay last night? (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - viime
 Late: A little bit later on (Ella Fitzgerald 1936) - myöhään
 Latin: Pig latin song (Leadbelly 1948) - latinan kieli
 Laugh: Laughin' Louie (Louis Armstrong 1933) - nauraa
 Lawn: Grandma's lawn (Caravan 1968) - nurmikko
 Lawyer: Between the preacher and the lawyer (Loretta Lynn 1975) - lakimies
 Lazy: Lazy River (Louis Armstrong 1931) - laiska
 Leader: I was a lover, a leader of men (the Bee Gees 1970) - johtaja
 Leaf: Maple leaf rag (Scott Joplin 1899) - lehti
 Learn: I had to live and learn (Ella Fitzgerald 1939) - oppia
 Leave: If You ever should leave (Ella Fitzgerald 1937) - lähteä
 Lebanon (Mortal Sin 1987) - Libanon
 Lecture (Frank Zappa & the Mothers of Invention 1968) - luento
 Legal: A legal matter (the Who 1965) - laillinen
 Legalize: Legalize marijuana (David Peel with Lower East Side & Atomic Rock 1970) - laillistaa
 Leicester: Jeffrey goes to Leicester Square (Jethro Tull 1969)
 Leisure suite (Country Joe McDonald 1979) - vapaa-aika
 Lemon: Lemon drop (Ella Fitzgerald 1949) - sitruuna
 Leopard: Lamb leopard (Modern Jazz Quartet 1962) - leopardi
 Leper: Lepers and roses (Pearls Before Swine 1968) - spitaalinen
 Lesson: Let that be a lesson to You (Louis Armstrong 1938) - oppitunti
 Letter: Love letters (Nat King Cole 1953) - kirje
 Liberia: Liberian suite (Duke Ellington 1947)
 Liberty: (Man who shot) liberty valance (Gene Pitney 1962) - vapaus
 Lick: You've got to hit the right lick (Big Bill Broonzy 1940) - nuolla
 Lieutenant loose (Back Door 1973) - luutnantti
 Life: All my life (Ella Fitzgerald 1936) - elämä
 Light: Moonlight serenade (Glenn Miller 1939) - valo
 Lightning: Smokestack lightnin' (Howlin' Wolf 1956) - salama
 Limerick: Kitty come down from Limerick (the Dubliners 1966)
 Line: Walking down that railroad line (Woody Guthrie 1940) - linja
 Lion: Lion tamers (Emmett Miller 1928) - leijona
 Lips: Jazz lips (Hot Five 1926) - huulet
 Lipstick: Lipstick on Your collar (Connie Francis 1959) - huulipuna
 Lisbon: Lisbon antiqua (Nelson Riddle 1956) - Lissabon
 Listen: Easy listenin' blues (Nat King Cole 1944) - kuunnella
 Literature: Erotic literature (My Dying Bride 1992) - kirjallisuus
 Little: I'm a little blackbird looking for a little bluebird (Eva Taylor 1924) - pieni
 Little Rock: Little girl from Little Rock (Marilyn Monroe 1959)
 Liverpool: Liverpool drive (Bo Diddley & Chuck Berry 1964)
 Lizard: Lizard-long-tongue boy (Bridget Saint John 1969) - lisko
 Lobotomy: Teenage lobotomy (the Ramones 1977) - lobotomia
 Loch Lomond (Benny Goodman 1938)
 Locomotive (Thelonious Monk 1954) - veturi
 Lollipop (the Chordettes 1955) - tikkari
 London: London (cafe) blues (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - Lontoo
 Londonderry: Londonderry air (Glenn Miller 1939)
 Lonesome: Lonesome blues (Hot Five 1926) - yksinäinen
 Long Beach: It's raining here in Long Beach (Nitty Gritty Dirt Band 1967)
 Look: I'm a little blackbird looking for a little bluebird (Eva Taylor 1924) - etsiä
 Loose: Turn me loose (Fabian 1959) - irti
 Lord: Precious Lord take my hand (Aretha Franklin 1956) - Herra
 Los Angeles: Los Angeles New Year's flood (Woody Guthrie 1940)
 Lost: I lost control of myself (Nat King Cole 1939) - kadoksissa
 Louisiana: Talk about Louisiana and governer Allen... (Leadbelly 1948)
 Love: Everybody loves my baby (Alberta Hunter 1924) - rakkaus
 Lovely: Lovely weather we're having (Louis Armstrong 1947) - ihana
 Lover: Lover's gold (Ella Fitzgerald 1935) - rakastaja
 LSD (Manfred Mann 1966)
 Lucifer: Lucifer Sam (Pink Floyd 1967) - Lusifer
 Luck: You're lucky to me (Louis Armstrong 1930) - onni
 Lullaby: Russian lullaby (Louis Armstrong 1950) - kehtolaulu
 Lunatic: Lunatic (Don Cherry 1966) - hullu
 Lunch: Miss Otis regrets (she's unable to lunch today) (Nat King Cole 1960) - lounas
 Lunchbox (Marilyn Manson 1994) - lounasboksi
 Luxury (the Rolling Stones 1974) - ylellisyys
 Machine: Overhaul Your machine (Big Joe Williams 1961) - kone
 Madness: You call it madness (Nat King Cole 1946) - hulluus
 Madrid (Nat King Cole 1950)
 Mafia: Mafia stole my guitar (Alex Harvey 1979)
 Maggie's farm (Bob Dylan 1965) - Maggien maatila
 Magic: That old black magic (Miles Davis 1950) - taika
 Magician: Two magicians (Martin Carthy 1965) - taikuri
 Magnet: Magnetic rag (Scott Joplin 1914) - magneetti
 Magnificent obsession (Nat King Cole 1958) - suurenmoinen
 Maid: The maids of Cadiz (Miles Davis 1957) - neito
 Mail: Air mail special (Ella Fitzgerald 1952) - posti
 Majesty: Majesty of love (Connie Francis 1959) - majesteetti
 Mambo: Cancion mambo (Charlie Parker & Machito 1950)
 Mandolino: The man who plays the mandolino (Dean Martin 1957) - mandoliini
 Manhattan (Ella Fitzgerald 1956)
 Mansion: A mansion on the hill (Hank Williams 1948)
 Manuscript: Tap root manuscript (Neil Diamond 1970) - käsikirjoitus
 Maple leaf: Maple leaf rag (Scott Joplin 1899) - vaahteranlehti
 March: Love marches (Ella Fitzgerald 1937) - marssi
 Marijuana: I like marijuana (David Peel with Lower East Side/Atomic Rock 1968)
 Market: I'm in the market for You (Louis Armstrong 1930) - markkinat
 Marmalade: Clarinet marmalade (Bix Beiderbecke 1927) - hyytelö
 Marry: Marry me (Shirley & Lee 1957) - mennä naimisiin
 Martyr: Praise for a martyr (Max Roach 1961) - marttyyri
 Mary Hamilton (Joan Baez 1960)
 Maryland (Vonda Shepard 1998)
 Massachusetts (the Bee Gees 1968)
 Massacre: Alice's restaurant massacre (Arlo Guthrie 1967) - joukkomurha
 Matter: What's the matter with me (Ella Fitzgerald 1940) - asia
 Maybe (Ella Fitzgerald 1950) - ehkä
 Maybelline (Chuck Berry 1959)
 Mayhem: Mysteries and mayhem (Kansas 1975)
 Meadow: Down in the meadow (Marilyn Monroe 1959) - niitty
 Mean: The meanest kind of blues (Fletcher Henderson 1924) - alhainen
 Mediation (wave upon wave) (Arlo Guthrie 1968)
 Melancholy (Hot Seven 1927) - melankolia
 Melbourne: Crazy, crazy Melbourne (Wall of Voodoo 1988)
 Melody: Public melody number 1 (Louis Armstrong 1936) - melodia
 Memory: Memories of You (Louis Armstrong 1930) - muisto
 Memphis: Memphis bound (Fletcher Henderson 1925)
 Mercedes Benz (Janis Joplin & Full Tilt Boogie 1970)
 Mercy: Have mercy (Ella Fitzgerald 1939) - armo
 Merchant: Feather merchant (Stan Getz 1954) - kauppias
 Mermaid: Blue-eyed mermaid (Bobby Darin 1958) - merenneito
 Merry: Merry go round blues (Big Bill Broonzy 1940) - iloinen
 Mersey: Ferry cross the Mersey (Gerry and the Pacemakers 1965)
 Mess: Come on boys let's do that messin' around (Blind Blake 1926)
 Message: Message to my mother (Hank Williams 1951) - viesti
 Metal: Metal guru (T. Rex 1972) - metalli
 Mexican: Mexican swing (Louis Armstrong 1938) - meksikolainen
 Mexico: Bay of Mexico (the Kingston Trio 1958) - Meksiko
 Miami (Sammy Davis jr. 1956)
 Michelle (the Beatles 1965)
 Michigan: 2120 South Michigan Avenue (the Rolling Stones 1964)
 Midgets (Count Basie 1955) - kääpiöt
 Midnight: 'Round midnight (Thelonious Monk 1947) - keskiyö
 Mighty: Mighty river (Louis Armstrong 1933) - mahtava
 Military: Death chants, breakdowns and military waltzes (John Fahey 1963) - sotilas
 Milk: Malted milk (Robert Johnson 1937) - maito
 Million: Thanks a million (Louis Armstrong 1935) - miljoona
 Millionaire: How to marry a millionaire (Marilyn Monroe 1959) - miljonääri
 Mind: I'm going away to wear You off my mind (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - mieli
 Miner: Coal miner's daughter (Loretta Lynn 1971) - kaivosmies
 Minister: Minister of war (Joan Baez 1968) - ministeri
 Minneapolis: Christmas card from a hooker in Minneapolis (Tom Waits 1978)
 Minnesota: Travelin' Minnesota blues (the Gypsy 1972)
 Miracle: It took a miracle (Eddy Arnold 1955) - ihme
 Mirage (Elvis Presley 1965)
 Mirror: Ginny in the mirror (Del Shannon 1963) - peili
 Misery (the Beatles 1963) - kurjuus
 Misfit: The misfit (Marc Bolan 1966) - epäkelpo
 Miss: I miss my swiss (Fletcher Henderson 1925) - kaivata
 Mississippi: Mississippi basin (Louis Armstrong 1933)
 Missouri: Across the wide Missouri (Eddy Arnold 1955)
 Mist: In a mist (Bix Beiderbecke 1927) - utu
 Mistake: To make a mistake is human (Ella Fitzgerald 1948) - erehdys
 Mistreat: Mistreater blues (Lightnin' Hopkins 1953) - kohdella kaltoin
 Mistress: Midnight mistress (Paul Anka 1970) - rakastajatar
 Moan: Texas moaner blues (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - vaikeroida
 Moment: One moment please (Ella Fitzgerald 1940) - hetki
 Monday: A monday date (Louis Armstrong 1928) - maanantai
 Money: Money blues (Fletcher Henderson 1925) - raha
 Monkey: Signifying monkey (Willie Dixon 1947) - apina
 Montage: Empire state montage (Vic Damone 1957)
 Montana (Frank Zappa & the Mothers 1973)
 Montevideo (Duke Ellington 1953)
 Month: Thirteenth month (Julie London 1956) - kuukausi
 Montreal: Montreal blues (Big Joe Williams 1969)
 Mood: I'm in the mood for love (Louis Armstrong 1935) - mieliala
 Moon: Moonglow (Django Reinhardt 1935) - kuu
 Moonbeam: Polka dots and moonbeams (Lester Young 1951) - kuunsäde
 Moonlight: Moonlight serenade (Glenn Miller 1939) - kuutamo
 Moonshine: Moonshine can (Ian & Sylvia 1964)
 Moose: Moose the mooche (Charlie Parker 1946) - hirvi
 Morbid: Morbid tales (Celtic Frost 1984)
 Morning: Nobody knows the way I feel this morning (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - aamu
 Mortal: Common mortal man (the Free 1973) - kuolevainen
 Moses: Little Moses (Joan Baez 1960) - Mooses
 Mother: Old mother Hubbard (Ella Fitzgerald 1948) - äiti
 Motion: Slow motion blues (Lester Young 1950) - liike
 Motorcycle (Tico and the Triumphs 1960) - moottoripyörä
 Mountain: Black mountain blues (Bessie Smith 1930) - vuori
 Mouth: Dippermouth blues (Louis Armstrong & King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - suu
 Mule: Go 'long, mule (Fletcher Henderson 1924) - muuli
 Mushroom: Mushroom clouds (the Love 1966) - sieni
 Music: I hope Gabriel likes my music (Louis Armstrong 1935) - musiikki
 Mutilation: My bloody mutilation (G. G. Allin 1988) - pahoinpitely
 Mutiny (Junior Walker 1966)- kapina
 Mystery train (Junior Parker 1953) - salaperäinen
 Mystic eyes (Them 1965) - mystinen
 Naima (John Coltrane 1958)
 Nantucket: Mama Nantucket (Michael Nesmith 1970)
 Nashville: Nashville woman's blues (Bessie Smith 1925)
 Native land Paul Robeson 1949) - alkuperäinen
 Natural: That's a natural fact (Nat King Cole 1947) - luonnollinen
 Nature boy (Nat King Cole 1947) - luonto
 Naughty man (Fletcher Henderson 1924) - tuhma
 Navy blue (Stan Getz 1951) - laivasto
 Nazi baby (the Vibrators 1978) - natsi
 Nebraska: Nebraska widow (John Stewart 1968)
 Neck: Chain around my neck (Woody Guthrie 1940) - kaula
 Necrobestiality (Nuclear Death 1990)
 Necrocult pt. I - the metal war (Usurper 1998)
 Necro erection (Denata 1999)
 Necromancer (Van der Graaf Generator 1968)
 Necromonicon (Necromonicon 1986)
 Necronaut psychout (Swordmaster 1999)
 Necronomicunt (Alastor 2000)
 Necronemesis (Usurper 2000)
 Necro nun (Embryo Killers 1992)
 Necropedophile (Cannibal Corpse 1992)
 Necrophagia (Necrophagia 1987)
 Necrophiliac (Slayer 1985)
 Necrophobic (Slayer 1986)
 Necropolis (Holy Moses 1986)
 Necropsy: Embryonic necropsy and devourment (Carcass 1989)
 Necrosadist (Necrodeath 1988)
 Necroscope (Midnight Configuration 2001)
 Necroshine (Overkill 1999)
 Necrosis (Necrosis 2000)
 Necroslut (Infernö 1996)
 Necrostrangle (Angel Rot 1991)
 Necroticism: Empathological necroticism (Carcass 1989)
 Necroticus (Bathory 1994)
 Need: I need someone like You (Fats Waller 1927) - tarvita
 Needle sing (Woody Guthrie 1956) - neula
 Negotiation: Negotiations in Soho square (Tremeloes 1968) - neuvottelu
 Nest: Bird's nest (Charlie Parker 1947) - pesä
 Neurotic: Erotic neurotic (the Saints 1977) - neuroottinen
 Nevada (Gil Evans 1960)
 New Jersey: New Jersey turnpike (Ray Fenwick 1971)
 New Mexico: Taos, New Mexico (Waylon Jennings 1967)
 New Orleans: New Orleans stomp (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923)
 New York: New York City blues (Duke Ellington 1947)
 News: Take the news to mother (the Louvin Brothers 1956) - uutiset
 New Zealand: Shipyards of New Zealand (Midnight Oil 1984) - Uusi-Seelanti
 Niagara (Barbra Streisand 1979)
 Nicotine: Nicotine stain (Siouxsie & the Banshees 1978) - nikotiini
 Nigger: Niggertown (the Incredible String Band 1966) - neekeri
 Night: Where did You stay last night? (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - yö
 Nightclubs (Lenny Bruce 1961) - yökerhot
 Nightmare: Surfer's nightmare (the Persuaders 1959) - painajainen
 Nirvana (Herbie Mann & Bill Evans Trio 1961)
 Nobody: 'Taint nobody's bizness if I do (Bessie Smith 1923) - ei kukaan
 Noise: No noise (Machito 1948) - melu
 Normal: Norman normal (Peter, Paul & Mary 1966) - normaali
 North Carolina: Just a little bit south of North Carolina (Dean Martin 1955) - Pohjois-Carolina
 Norwegian: Norwegian wood (this bird has flown) (the Beatles 1965) - norjalainen
 Nose: Red nose (Louis Armstrong 1936) - nenä
 Nothing: All or nothing at all (Ella Fitzgerald 1937) - ei mitään
 Nova Scotia: Nova Scotia farewell (Ian & Sylvia 1964)
 November: November twilight (Julie London 1956) - marraskuu
 Nuclear: Nuclear burn (Brand X 1976)- ydin
 Object: Object of my affection (Faron Young 1958) - kohde
 Oblique (Kenny Clarke 1957)
 Obscure: Obscured by clouds (Pink Floyd 1972) - hämärä
 Obsession: Magnificent obsession (Nat King Cole 1958) - pakkomielle
 Ocean: How deep is the ocean (Charlie Parker 1947) - valtameri
 October: This october (Julie London 1956) - lokakuu
 Octopus: The octopus (Billy Preston 1965) - mustekala
 Offer: Most I can offer (Little Richard 1959) - tarjota
 Office: Agent's office (Diana Ross 1971) - toimisto
 Official suburbian superman (Suzi Quatro 1973) - virallinen
 Ohio: Chesapeake and Ohio (Ella Fitzgerald 1951)
 Oil: Texas oil fields (Woody Guthrie 1940) - öljy
 Oklahoma: Oklahoma ballroom dancer (the Monkees 1969)
 Old: There'll be a hot time in the old town tonight (Bessie Smith 1927) - vanha
 Omaha: Omaha blues (Big Joe Williams 1958)
 Open: Heaven's doors are open wide (Tadd Dameron 1949) - avoinna
 Operation (Lenny Bruce 1961) - operaatio
 Operator (Mary Wells 1962) - puhelunvälittäjä
 Opium: Opium for the people (Planet Gong 1977) - oopiumi
 Optimism: Cockeyed optimist (Chico Hamilton 1958) - optimismi
 Orange: Orange colored sky (Nat King Cole 1950) - oranssi
 Oregano: Art's oregano (Art Pepper 1953)
 Organ: Organ grinder's swing (Ella Fitzgerald 1936) - urut
 Organize (Sly Stone 1975) - organisoi
 Orgasm: Orgasm addict (the Buzzcocks 1977) - orgasmi
 Oriental: Oriental strut (Hot Five 1926) - orientaalinen
 Original: Original rags (Scott Joplin 1899) - alkuperäinen
 Orlando (Bert Jansch & John Renbourn 1966)
 Ornithology (Charlie Parker 1946) - lintutiede
 Outlaw: Outlaw blues (Bob Dylan 1965) - lainsuojaton
 Overcome: We shall overcome (Joan Baez 1963) - nousta
 Overalls: Dirty overalls (Woody Guthrie 1940) - haalarit
 Pacific: South Pacific in hi-fi (Chico Hamilton 1958) - Tyynimeri
 Pack: Pack up Your sins and go to the devil (Ella Fitzgerald 1938) - pakata
 Pagan: Pagan love song (the Andrews Sisters 1938) - pakana
 Palace: Dance of the inhabitants of the palace of king Philip XIV of Spain (John Fahey 1963) - palatsi
 Panama: Stomping at the Panama (Eddie Cole 1936)
 Panther: Panther squall blues (Blind Blake 1928) - pantteri
 Pants: Pair of red pants (Gene Ammons & Sonny Stitt 1961) - alushousut
 Paper: It's only a paper moon (Nat King Cole 1944) - paperi
 Parachute: Parachute woman (the Rolling Stones 1968) - laskuvarjo
 Paradise: Pickanninnies' paradise (Emmett Miller 1929) - paratiisi
 Paradox (Sonny Rollins 1955) - paradoksi
 Paranoia (Hawkwind 1970)
 Paranoid (Grand Funk Railroad 1969) - paranoidi
 Parents: When Your parents go to sleep (Kevin Ayers 1972) - vanhemmat
 Parsley: Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme (Simon and Garfunkel 1966)
 Partisan: The partisan (Leonard Cohen 1969) - partisaani
 Partner: Change partners (Ella Fitzgerald 1958) - kumppani
 Party: Life goes to a party (Benny Goodman 1938) - kutsut
 Passion: Passion flower (Duke Ellington 1953) - intohimo
 Passport (Charlie Parker 1949) - passi
 Pasture: Pastures of plenty (Dave van Ronk 1964)
 Patriot: The patriot game (the Dubliners 1964) - isänmaanystävä
 Payday: Payday at coal creek (Odetta 1954) - palkkapäivä
 Peace: Peace in the valley (Elvis Presley 1957) - rauha
 Peace corps: Who needs the peace corps? (Frank Zappa 1967) - rauhanturvajoukot
 Peach: Mellow peaches (Big Joe Williams 1958) - persikka
 Peanut: The peanut vendor (Louis Armstrong 1930) - maapähkinä
 Perth: Miss Drummond of Perth (Battlefield Band 1979)
 Peasant: Poet and peasant (Beggars Opera 1970) - paimen
 Penetration (the Ventures 1963) - sisääntyöntyminen
 Penis: Penis dimension (Frank Zappa 1970)
 Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania 6-5000 (the Andrew Sisters 1940)
 Penthouse: Penthouse serenade (Nat King Cole 1952) - luksusasunto
 People: Stay with the happy people (Ella Fitzgerald 1950) - ihmiset
 Peregrine (Donovan 1968)
 Peregrination (Bert Jansch 1971)
 Perfect: Nobody's perfect (Carole King 1962) - täydellinen
 Perhaps (Charlie Parker 1948) - ehkä
 Persia: Persian rug (Fats Waller 1927)
 Person: Person to person (Screamin' Jay Hawkins 1957) - henkilö
 Personality (Jerry Lee Lewis 1957) - persoonallisuus
 Perversion: Childish perversions (Frank Zappa 1974?) - perversio
 Pessimism: Pessimistic man (the Message 1983) - pessimismi
 Philadelphia: Philadelphia, Pa. (Jan and Dean 1963)
 Phoenix: By the time I get to Phoenix (Glen Campbell 1967)
 Phonograph: Phonograph blues (Robert Johnson 1936) - äänilevy
 Photo: Photographs (the Chordettes 1955) - valokuva
 Pick: Pickin' on Your baby (Eva Taylor 1925) - poimia
 Picture: A picture from life's other side (Hank Williams 1952) - kuva
 Pigeon: Skyline pigeon (Elton John 1969) - kyyhkynen
 Pilgrim: I'm a pilgrim (Chet Atkins 1961) - pyhiinvaeltaja
 Pillow: Tears on my pillow (Anthony and the Imperials 1958) - tyyny
 Pimp: Willie the pimp (Frank Zappa & Captain Beefheart 1969) - parittaja
 Pinball: Pinball wizard (the Who 1969) - flipperi
 Pine: There's a cabin in the pines (Louis Armstrong 1933) - mänty
 Pineapple: Pineapple rag (Scott Joplin 1908) - ananas
 Pink: Cherry pink and apple blossom white (Prado Perez 1955) - vaaleanpunainen
 Pirate: Pirate Jenny (Nina Simone 1959) - merirosvo
 Piss: Johnny Pissoff meets the red angel (the Fugs 1968)
 Pistol: Somethin' else (pistol packin' mama) (Flamin' Groovies 1968) - pistooli
 Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh to Lebanon (Butthole Surfers 1987)
 Pizza: Pick up the pizzas (James Gang 1976)
 Place: Meet me at no special place (Nat King Cole 1946) - paikka
 Plague: Black plague (Eric Burdon 1967) - rutto
 Planet: Planet Earth (Cannonball Adderley 1962) - planeetta
 Play: Play me slow (Fletcher Henderson 1925) - leikkiä
 Playboy: Rufus playboy (Cannonball Adderley 1958)
 Pleading blues (Little Brother Montgomery 1960) - vetoava
 Please: Baby won't You please come home (Bessie Smith 1923) - ole hyvä
 Pleasure: The pleasure is mine (Herbie Hancock 1963) - nautinto
 Plow: Keep Your hand on the plow (Mahalia Jackson 1958)- aura
 Pneumonia: Dust pneumonia blues (Woody Guthrie 1940) - keuhkokuume
 Pocket: I put a four leaf clover in Your pocket (Ella Fitzgerald 1942) - tasku
 Poem: More poems (the Kingston Trio 1965) - runo
 Point: Pointless mama blues (Rubberlegs Williams 1945)
 Poker: Poker woman blues (Blind Blake & Alex Robinson 1929) - pokeri
 Poland: Poland whole (the Tubes 1976) - Puola
 Police: Police dog blues (Blind Blake 1929) - poliisi
 Polite: That's what You get (for being polite) (Jackson 5 1978) - kohtelias
 Politician (the Cream 1968) - poliitikko
 Polka: Beer barrel polka (the Andrews Sisters 1939) - polkka
 Pollution: Nine types of industrial pollution (Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention 1968) - saaste
 Pomona: Back in Pomona (John Stewart 1970)
 Pontiac: Pontiac blues (Sonny Boy Williamson and the Yardbirds 1965)
 Poor: Why couldn't it be poor little me? (Fletcher Henderson 1925) - parka
 Porn: Polly in a porny (Shel Silverstein 1969) - porno
 Portland: Portland town (Joan Baez 1963)
 Portrait: Portrait of Bert Williams (Duke Ellington 1943) - muotokuva
 Possession: If I had possession over Judgment day (Robert Johnson 1937)
 Potato: Potato head blues (Hot Seven 1927) - peruna
 Pound: Nine pound hammer (Johnny Cash 1963) - naula
 Poverty: Poverty hill (the Kingston Trio 1965) - köyhyys
 Power: Powered wig (Henry Mancini 1960) - voima
 Prairie: Prairie fire (Marty Robbins 1960) - preeria
 Preach: Preaching blues (up jumped the devil) (Robert Johnson 1937) - saarnata
 Preacher: Preacher lowdown (Jesse Fuller 1955) - saarnaaja
 Presence of the Lord (Blind Faith 1969) - läsnäolo
 Precious: Precious Lord take my hand (Aretha Franklin 1956) - kallisarvoinen
 Pregnant: Barefoot and pregnant (Joan Armatrading 1978) - raskaana
 Premature (Toots Hibbert & Maytals 1976) - ennenaikainen
 Present: Make me a present of You (Dinah Washington 1956) - lahja
 President: President Roosevelt (Big Joe Williams 1960)- Theodore Roosevelt - presidentti
 Pretend: Let's pretend (Nat King Cole 1943) - teeskennellä
 Pretty: Save it, pretty mama (Louis Armstrong 1928) - nätti
 Prey: Aubade and I am not like other birds of prey (Supertramp 1970) - saalis
 Price: Oh what a price (Fats Domino 1956) - hinta
 Pride: Pride of Petrovar (Ian & Sylvia 1962) - ylpeys
 Priest: The musical priest (the Chieftains 1964) - pappi
 Primitivo (Cannonball Adderley 1963)
 Prince: Prince of wails (Fletcher Henderson 1924) - prinssi
 Princess: Pineapple princess (Annette Funicello 1963) - prinsessa
 Prison: Locked up in jail aka prison blues (John Lee Hooker 1954) - vankila
 Private: Au private (Max Roach 1957) - yksityinen
 Prize: Keep Your eyes on the prize (Pete Seeger 1963) - palkinto
 Problem: Problem child (Roy Orbison 1960) - ongelma
 Production: Children of production (Parliament 1976) - tuotanto
 Professor (Herbie Mann 1957) - professori
 Profile: Profile of Jackie (Charles Mingus 1956) - profiili
 Profit (Max Roach 1962) - hyöty
 Profoundly: Profoundly blue (Charlie Christian 1944) - syvä
 Program (Silver Apples 1968) - ohjelma
 Progress: 'Round midnight (in progress) (Thelonious Monk 1957) - edistyminen
 Promise: I promise to remember (Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers 1956) - luvata
 Propaganda (the Sparks 1974)
 Prophet (Eric Dolphy 1961) - profeetta
 Proposal (Vic Damone 1957) - ehdotus
 Prostitute: Prostitute poem (Gong 1973) - prostituoitu
 Proud: Theme from 'The proud ones' (Nelson Riddle 1956) - ylpeä
 Prove: Proving my love (Ricky Nelson 1960) - todistaa
 Psychedelic: Psychedelic Sally (Lionel Hampton 1954) - psykedeelinen
 Psychic: The duel, two psychic lovers and eating time (Ornette Coleman 1965) - psyykkinen
 Psycho: Motorpsycho nitemare (Bob Dylan 1964) - psyko
 Psychodrama (Lizzy Borden 1989) - psykodraama
 Puberty song (the Raincoats 1982) - murrosikä
 Public: Public melody number 1 (Louis Armstrong 1936) - julkinen
 Pudding: Tasty pudding (Miles Davis 1953) - vanukas
 Pumpkin (Andrew Hill 1963) - kurpitsa
 Punish: Why do You punish me (for loving You) (Johnny Cash 1960) - rangaista
 Pupil: The teachers are afraid of the pupils (Morrissey 1995) - oppilas
 Purple: Deep purple (Stan Getz 1952) - sinipunainen
 Purpose: Blues on purpose (Nina Simone 1965) - tahallaan
 Push: Push de button (Lena Horne 1957) - painaa
 Pussy: Pussy cat dues (Charles Mingus 1959)
 Puzzle: Jig-saw puzzle (the Rolling Stones 1968) - palapeli
 Queen: Little queen of spades (Robert Johnson 1937) - kuningatar
 Racism: Rock against racism (China Street 1977) - rasismi
 Radar: Radar blues (Holy Modal Rounders 1967) - tutka
 Radiation: Transparent radiation (Red Crayola 1967) - säteily
 Radio: Radio one (Jimi Hendrix 1967)
 Ragtime: Ragtime dance (Scott Joplin 1902)
 Railroad: Big railroad blues (Gus Cannon & Noah Lewis 1928) - rautatie
 Rain: Over the rainbow (Judy Garland 1940) - sade
 Ramble: Muskrat ramble (Hot Five 1926)
 Ranger: The lonely teen ranger (Jerry Landis 1961) - Paul Simon
 Rape: Rape of the locks (Budgie 1971) - raiskata
 Rascal: You rascal You (Louis Armstrong 1931) - lurjus
 Raspberry: Raspberry jam (Carole King 1970) - vadelma
 Raven: 3 ravens (Peter, Paul & Mary 1964) - korppi
 Read: I can read between the lines (Frank Sinatra 1957) - lukea
 Ready: Ready to go home (Hank Williams 1952) - valmis
 Real: This time it's real (Ella Fitzgerald 1938) - todellinen
 Reap: Reap what You sow (Al Stewart 1965) - niittää
 Reason: For no reason at all in C (Bix Beiderbecke 1927) - syy
 Rebel: Song of the Warsaw ghetto rebellion (Paul Robeson 1949) - kapinallinen
 Reckless: Reckless blues (Bessie Smith 1925)
 Recreation: Recreation blues (Chico Hamilton 1958) - uudelleenluominen
 Rectum: Meathook up my rectum (Tumor Circus 1991) - peräsuoli
 Red Cross (Charlie Parker 1944) - Punainen Risti
 Red River: Red River valley (Eddy Arnold 1955)
 Reflections (Thelonious Monk 1952) - heijastukset
 Refugee: Dust bowl refugee (Woody Guthrie 1940) - pakolainen
 Reggae: Kinky reggae (Bob Marley & the Wailers 1972)
 Region: Regions of may (Pearls Before Swine 1967) - seutu
 Regret: Don't forget You'll regret day by day (Fletcher Henderson 1924) - katuminen
 Reincarnation: Reincarnation of a lovebird (Charles Mingus 1957)
 Reindeer: Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer (Ella Fitzgerald 1952) - poro
 Rejuvenation (the Meters 1974) - uudelleennuortuminen
 Relax: Relaxin' at Camarillo (Charlie Parker 1947) - rentoutua
 Religion: I got religion on a saturday night (Webb Pierce 1951) - uskonto
 Remember: My lips remember Your kisses (Nat King Cole 1943) - muistaa
 Remind: These foolish things (remind me of You) (Stan Getz 1954) - muistuttaa
 Remove: Remove this rope (J. B. Lenoir 1962) - poistaa
 Reno (Paul Revere and the Raiders 1967)
 Rent: Room rent blues (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - vuokra
 Reptile: Reptile woman (Hurriganes 1975) - matelija
 Republic: Battle hymn of the Republic (Odetta 1959) - tasavalta
 Reputation (Anthony and the Imperials 1964) - maine
 Reservation: Swinging on the reservation (Ella Fitzgerald 1936) - reservaatti
 Resignation: Resignation dub (Mikey Dread 1979) - luopuminen
 Restaurant: Alice's restaurant massacre (Arlo Guthrie 1967) - ravintola
 Restless: Restless kid (Ricky Nelson 1959) - levoton
 Return: Return to paradise (Nat King Cole 1953) - paluu
 Revelation (Vic Damone 1957) - ilmestys
 Revenge (the Kinks 1964) - kosto
 Revolution (Paul Revere & the Raiders 1967) - vallankumous
 Revolver (the Beatles 1966) - revolveri
 Rhode Island: Rhode Island reel (Patrick Sky 1975)
 Rhodesia (Japan 1978)
 Rhum: Rhumboogie (the Andrews Sisters 1940) - rommi
 Rhumba: Rex rhumba (Nat King Cole 1945) - rumba
 Rhythm: That rhythm man (Louis Armstrong 1929) - rytmi
 Rich: That's rich (Ella Fitzgerald 1945) - rikas
 Ride: Take me for a buggy ride (Bessie Smith 1933) - ajelu
 Ridiculous: Virgin on the ridiculous (Caravan 1973)- naurettava
 Rifle: Rifle range (Blondie 1976) - kivääri
 Right: Right or wrong (Emmett Miller 1929) - oikea
 Rio Grande: Rose of the Rio Grande (Duke Ellington 1943)
 Riot: Riot prevention (Duke Ellington 1956) - mellakka
 River: Riverside blues (Louis Armstrong & King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - joki
 Road: Big railroad blues (Gus Cannon & Noah Lewis 1928) - tie
 Robber: Cops and robbers (Bo Diddley 1960) - rosvo
 Robot: Robot portrait (Quincy Jones 1961) - robotti
 Rocker (Miles Davis 1950) - rokkari
 Rocket: Rocket 88 (Bill Haley & the Saddlemen 1951) - raketti
 Rodeo: Sweetheart of the rodeo (the Byrds 1968)
 Roll: I ain't gonna give nobody none o'this jelly roll (Emmett Miller 1929) - sämpylä
 Roller: Sweet little rock and roller (Chuck Berry 1959)
 Romance: Rhythm and romance (Ella Fitzgerald 1935) - romanssi
 Rome: Autumn in Rome (Johnny Mathis 1956) - Rooma
 Romeo: Rugged Romeo (Duke Ellington 1946)
 Room: Room rent blues (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - huone
 Rose: My rose Marie (Fletcher Henderson 1924) - ruusu
 Rough: I'm not rough (Hot Five 1927) - karkea
 Route 66 (Nat King Cole 1943)
 Rule: The rules of the road (Tony Bennett 1962) - sääntö
 Rumours (Kippington Lodge 1967) - huhut
 Runaway: Runaway girl (Dion and the Belmonts 1961) - karkulainen
 Rush: Gold rush (Stan Getz 1955) - ryntäys
 Russia: Russian lullaby (Louis Armstrong 1950) - Venäjä
 Rust: Knight in rusty armour (Peter & Gordon 1964) - ruoste
 Rye: Rye whiskey (Woody Guthrie 1940) - ruis
 Sacramento (Middle of the Road 1972)
 Sad: Feelin' sad (Ray Charles 1953) - surullinen
 Sadist (Bathory 1985) - sadisti
 Sadness (Ornette Coleman 1962) - surullisuus
 Sage (Chico Hamilton 1955)
 Sailor: Sailor's grave (Glenn Yarbrough 1957) - merimies
 Saint: When the saints go marching in (Louis Armstrong 1938) - pyhimys
 Salt Lake City: I lost my sugar in Salt Lake City (Peggy Lee 1959)
 Salvation: Brother love's travelling salvation show (Neil Diamond 1969)- pelastus
 Same: I'll always love You just the same (Charlie Parker 1944) - sama
 Samuel Hall (Leadbelly 1948)
 San Bernardino (Christie 1970)
 San Diego: San Diego serenade (Tom Waits 1974)
 San Francisco: San Francisco Bay blues (Jesse Fuller 1955)
 Sand: Drifting Texas sand (Webb Pierce 1951) - hiekka
 Sandman: Mr. Sandman (the Chordettes 1955) - nukkumatti
 Santa Fe (Lightnin' Hopkins 1954)
 Santa Claus: Santa Claus blues (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - joulupukki
 Santy Anno (Odetta 1954)
 Satan: Their Satanic Majesties request (the Rolling Stones 1967) - Saatana
 Saturday: Saturday night blues (Sidney Bechet 1939) - lauantai
 Sauce: the frim fram sauce (Nat King Cole 1944) - kastike
 Saucer: Little man in a flying saucer (Ella Fitzgerald 1951) - lautanen
 Savannah: Savannah blues (Fats Waller 1927)
 Save: Save it, pretty mama (Louis Armstrong 1928) - säästää
 Savoy: Savoy blues (Hot Five 1927)
 Scalp: Sam with the showing scalp flat top (Frank Zappa, Captain Beefheart & the Mothers 1975) - päänahka
 Scandal: Scandalize my name (Paul Robeson 1949) - skandaali
 Scene: Velvet scene (John Coltrane 1957) - kohtaus
 Schizophrenic: Photogenic, schizophrenic You (Napoleon XIV 1966) - skitsofreeninen
 School: You don't learn that in school (Nat King Cole 1946) - koulu
 Science: Science fiction (Ornette Coleman 1971) - tiede
 Scotch: Scotchin' with the soda (Nat King Cole 1941)
 Scotland: Aborigine dance in Scotland (Elvin Jones 1963) - Skotlanti
 Scout: The tiny scout (he knows You inside out) (Vic Damone 1957) - partiolainen
 Sculpture: Sounds of the sculpture (Ornette Coleman 1972) - veistos
 Scream: Hollerin' and screamin' (Fats Navarro 1947) - huutaa
 Scumbag (John Lennon & Yoko Ono 1971)
 Sea: Sea board stomp (Blind Blake 1927) - meri
 Seal: My lips are sealed (Jim Reeves 1962) - sinetti
 Season: Seasons of my heart (Johnny Cash 1960) - vuodenaika
 Seattle: Goodbye Seattle (Paul Raven 1969)
 Secret: Secret love (Slim Whitman 1954) - salainen
 See: See see raider (Ma Rainey 1924) - nähdä
 Seed: Hayseed (Cannonball Adderley 1957) - siemen
 Segment (Charlie Parker 1949) - segmentti
 Selection: Selections from black, brown and beige (Duke Ellington 1944) - valikoima
 Selfish: Selfish woman (Roosevelt Sykes 1960) - itsekäs
 Sentimental: On the sentimental side (Louis Armstrong 1938) - tunteellinen
 September: September in the rain (Lester Young 1950) - syyskuu
 Sergeant: Sergeant Sunshine (Roy Harper 1969) - kersantti
 Serpent: The serpent's tooth (Miles Davis 1953) - käärme
 Serve: Serves me right (Cannonball Adderley & Milt Jackson 1958) - palvella
 Sex: Sexy ways (Hank Ballard & the Midnighters 1958) - seksi
 Shadow: Dark shadows (Charlie Parker 1947) - varjo
 Shame: It's a low down dirty shame (Big Bill Broonzy 1938) - häpeä
 Shanghai: Shanghai shuffle (Fletcher Henderson 1924)
 Shape: Ballad of the shape of things (the Kingston Trio 1962) - muoto
 Shark: Mudshark variations (Frank Zappa 1970) - hai
 Shelter: Shelter of Your arms (Willie Nelson 1961) - suoja
 Shepherd: Shepherd of my heart (Johnny Cash 1958) - paimen
 Shetland: Shetland pony blues (Big Joe Williams 1958) - Shetlanti
 Sheriff (John Lewis 1962) - sheriffi
 Shine (Louis Armstrong 1931) - paistaa
 Ship: Shipwreck blues (Bessie Smith 1931) - laiva
 Shit: Some hip drum shit (Tony Williams 1970) - paska
 Shiver: Shiver and shake (Albert Collins 1965) - vapista
 Shoe: Shoe shine boy (Louis Armstrong 1935) - kenkä
 Shoot: I'm shooting high (Louis Armstrong 1935) - ampua
 Shop: Cornet shop Suey (Hot Five 1926) - kauppa
 Short: Short'nin' bread (the Andrews Sisters 1938) - lyhyt
 Shoulder: There's a new moon over my shoulder (Jim Reeves 1957) - olkapää
 Shouts (Dave Brubeck 1957) - huudot
 Shower: Sun showers (Louis Armstrong 1936)
 Shy: I'm a shy guy (Nat King Cole 1943) - ujo
 Sick: Lovesick blues (Emmett Miller 1928) - sairas
 Sigh (the Everly Brothers 1960) - huokaus
 Sight: Bird flies out of sight (the Tokens 1962) - näköpiiri
 Sigmund Freud: The ballad of Sigmund Freud (Harry Belafonte 1960)
 Silent: The silent treatment (Ella Fitzgerald 1956) - hiljainen
 Silly: It may sound silly (the McGuire Sisters 1955) - typerä
 Silver: Silver bells (Ella Fitzgerald 1950) - hopea
 Simple: Just a simple melody (Ella Fitzgerald 1937) - yksinkertainen
 Sin: Pack up Your sins and go to the devil (Ella Fitzgerald 1938) - synti
 Sincerely (the McGuire Sisters 1955) - vilpittömästi
 Sing: Singin' the blues ('till my daddy comes home) (Bix Beiderbecke 1927) - laulaa
 Singapore: Singapore silk torpedo (the Pretty Things 1974)
 Sinner: Sinner's prayer (Ray Charles 1954) - syntinen
 Sister: Stay on the right side, sister (Doris Day 1955) - sisar
 Sit: Sittin' in the dark (Louis Armstrong 1933) - istua
 Skeleton: Skeleton and the roundabout (Idle Race 1968) - luuranko
 Skinny: Big fat ma and skinny pa (Hot Five 1926) - laiha
 Skull: Skullduggery (Steppenwolf 1976) - kallo
 Sky: From the land of the sky blue water (the Andrews Sisters 1938) - taivas
 Skylark (John Lewis 1956) - leivonen
 Skyscraper: The jungle is a skyscraper (Ornette Coleman 1971) - pilvenpiirtäjä
 Slaughter: Slaughter on Tenth avenue (the Ventures 1960) - teurastus
 Slave: I want to be Your slave (Curtis Jones 1968) - orja
 Sleep: When it's sleepy time down South (Louis Armstrong 1931) - nukkua
 Sleepless: Through a long and sleepless night (Erroll Garner 1954) - uneton
 Slow: Sunflower slow rag (Scott Joplin 1901) - hidas
 Slum: Slumming on park avenue (Ella Fitzgerald 1958)
 Slut (Todd Rundgren 1972) - lutka
 Smart: Man smart (Harry Belafonte 1956) - fiksu
 Smile: When You are smiling (Louis Armstrong 1929) - hymyileminen
 Smoke: Smoke gets in Your eyes (Nat King Cole 1947) - savu
 Snake: Snake rag (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - käärme
 Sneaky: Sneaky Pete blues (Little Brother Montgomery 1960)
 Soap: A little bit of soap (Chris Montez 1963) - saippua
 Society: High society rag (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - seurapiiri
 Socks: Blue Bobby socks (Pat Boone 1960) - sukat
 Soft: Softly, as in a morning sunrise (the Modern Jazz Quartet 1951) - pehmeä
 Soldier: Soldier boy (Ella Fitzgerald 1955) - sotilas
 Solitude (Louis Armstrong 1935) - yksinäisyys
 Someone: I need someone like You (Fats Waller 1927) - joku
 Something: Something doing (Scott Joplin 1903) - jotakin
 Sometimes I'm happy (Benny Goodman 1938) - joskus
 Soon: It's too soon to know (Ella Fitzgerald 1948) - pian
 Sophisticated: Sophisticated lady (Duke Ellington 1945) - sivistynyt
 Sorrow: All my sorrows (Glenn Yarbrough 1957) - suru
 Soul: Body and soul (Louis Armstrong 1930) - sielu
 Sound: Euphonic sounds (Scott Joplin 1909) - ääni
 Soup: Caught in the soup (the Persuaders 1959) - keitto
 South: Southern stomp (Louis Armstrong & King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - etelä
 South Africa: Man from South Africa (Max Roach 1961) - Etelä-Afrikka
 Southern: Southern stomp (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - eteläinen
 Souvenir: Among my souvenirs (Louis Armstrong 1942) - matkamuisto
 Space: Space ship landing (Spike Jones 1957) - avaruus
 Spade: Little queen of spades (Robert Johnson 1937) - pata
 Spain: Sketches of Spain (Miles Davis 1959) - Espanja
 Spanish: In a little Spanish town (Lester Young 1956) - espanjalainen
 Sparrow: His eye is on the sparrow (Mahalia Jackson 1958) - varpunen
 Speak: I never knew Heaven could speak (Ella Fitzgerald 1939) - puhuminen
 Special: Big John's special (Benny Goodman 1938) - erikoinen
 Speedy Gonzales (Pat Boone 1957)
 Speech: Kennedy acceptance speech (Lenny Bruce 1961) - John F. Kennedy
 Speechless (Weather Report 1982) - sanaton
 Speedoo (the Cadillacs 1955)
 Spell: Under the spell of blues (Ella Fitzgerald 1936) - kirous
 Sperm: Super sperm (Kurtis Blow 1985) - sperma
 Spice: Sugar and spice (the Searchers 1963) - mauste
 Spider: Black spider stomp (Nat King Cole 1940) - hämähäkki
 Spiritual: On revival day (a rhythmic spiritual) (Bessie Smith 1930) - spirituaali
 Spoil: I don't want to spoil the party (the Beatles 1964) - pilata
 Spontaneous: Spontaneous combustion (Cannonball Adderley 1955) - spontaani
 Spoon: Spoonful (Howlin' Wolf 1960) - lusikka
 Sport: A white sport coat (Marty Robbins 1959) - urheilu
 Springdale: Springdale blues (Gus Cannon & Noah Lewis 1927)
 Springfield: Springfield fair (the New Christy Minstrels 1962)
 Squeeze me (Eva Taylor 1925) - pusertaa
 Squirrel: The squirrel (Tadd Dameron 1949) - orava
 St. Louis: St. Louis blues (Bessie Smith 1925)
 Stability (Debbie Harry 1993) - vakaus
 Stagnation (Genesis 1970)
 Stairway to the stars (Glenn Miller 1939) - tikapuut
 Stand: Who at my door is standing (Eddy Arnold 1952) - seisoa
 Stardust (Louis Armstrong 1931) - tähti
 Start: I can't get started (Nat King Cole 1942) - aloittaa
 Starvin' (the Trammps 1977) - nähdä nälkää
 State: World statesman (Dizzy Gillespie 1956) - valtio
 Station: My station will be changed after awhile (John Fahey 1959) - asema
 Stealing trash (Fats Navarro 1947) - varastaa
 Step: Everybody step (Ella Fitzgerald 1938)- astua
 Sticky: Sticky summer weather (John Denver 1970)
 Stiff: Stiff neck (Larry Coryell 1969) - jäykkä
 Stink: Hamburger breath stinkfinger (Arthur Lee 1972) - haiseva
 Stockholm: Dear old Stockholm (Stan Getz 1952) - Tukholma
 Stones in my passway (Robert Johnson 1937) - kivi
 Stoned: Let's go get stoned (Ray Charles 1966)
 Stonehenge (Richie Havens 1970)
 Stoptime rag (Scott Joplin 1910) - pysähtyminen
 Store: I found a million dollar baby (in a five and ten cent store) (Nat King Cole 1958) - varasto
 Storm: Great dust storm (dust storm disaster) (Woody Guthrie 1940) - myrsky
 Story (Leadbelly 1948) - tarina
 Straight: Straighten up and fly right (Nat King Cole 1944) - suora
 Strand: Bike up the strand (Gerry Mulligan 1956) - ranta
 Stranger: Stranger in paradise (Tony Bennett 1953) - muukalainen
 Strangle: The lonesome guitar strangler (Dr. John 1969) - kuristaa
 Strawberry: Fisherman, strawberry and devil crab (Miles Davis 1958) - mansikka
 Stray cat blues (the Rolling Stones 1968)
 Street: Canal Street blues (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - katu
 Strength: Tower of strength (Frankie Vaughan 1961) - vahvuus
 Strictly from Dixie (Ella Fitzgerald 1938) - suoraan
 Strike blues (John Lee Hooker 1950) - lakko
 Struggle: The inner struggles of a man prelude (little one) (Chicago 1977) - kamppailu
 Strychnine (the Cramps 1980) - strykniini
 Stubborn: That stubborn kinda fellow (Marvin Gaye 1963) - itsepäinen
 Study: I ain't a-studying You baby (Don Gibson 1958) - tarkastella
 Stupid cupid (Connie Francis 1959) - typerä
 Subject was faggots (Gil Scott-Heron 1970) - subjekti
 Submarine: The submarine races (Jan and Dean 1964) - sukellusvene
 Subterranean: Subterranean homesick blues (Bob Dylan 1965)
 Suddenly it jumped (Duke Ellington 1944) - äkkiä
 Sugar: Sugar foot stomp (Fletcher Henderson 1925) - sokeri
 Suicide: Suicide blues (Curtis Jones 1960) - itsemurha
 Summertime (Charlie Parker 1949) - kesäaika
 Sunday: Spiritual (come sunday) (Duke Ellington 1946) - sunnuntai
 Sunflower: Sunflower slow rag (Scott Joplin 1901) - auringonkukka
 Sunrise: Sunrise avenue (Glenn Miller 1939) - auringonousu
 Sunset: Sunset cafe stomp (Hot Five 1926) - auringonlasku
 Super: Super tiger rag (Louis Armstrong 1934)
 Superman: The hymn (superman) (Charlie Parker 1947) - supermies
 Supernova (Wayne Shorter 1969)
 Supper: Sing for Your supper (Mel Torme 1956) - illallinen
 Support: Support system (Liz Phair 1994) - tuki
 Supreme: A love supreme (John Coltrane 1964)
 Surf: Surf ride (Art Pepper 1952)
 Surgery: Crash course in brain surgery (Budgie 1971) - leikkaus
 Surprise: You'd be surprised (Marilyn Monroe 1959) - yllätys
 Surrealistic: Surrealistic pillow (Jefferson Airplane 1967) - surrealistinen
 Surrender: I surrender dear (Louis Armstrong 1931) - antautua
 Survival: Survival of the fittest (Herbie Hancock 1965) - eloonjääminen
 Suspicion: Finger of suspicion (Dickie Valentine 1954)
 Swallow: When the swallows come back to Capistrand (the Ink Spots 1956) - pääskynen
 Swedish: Swedish schnapps (Charlie Parker 1951) - ruotsalainen
 Sweet: Sweet lovin' man (King Oliver's  Creole Jazz Band 1923) - makea
 Swing: Swing, You cats (Louis Armstrong 1933)
 Swiss: I miss my swiss (Fletcher Henderson 1925) - sveitsiläinen
 Sword: Sword of Orion (Dizzy Gillespie 1961) - miekka
 Sydney: Fast boat to Sydney (Johnny Cash 1967)
 Syncopation: Elite syncopations (Scott Joplin 1902)
 System: Sunrise in the third system (Tangerine Dream 1971) - systeemi
 Tale: Fairy tales (Ella Fitzgerald 1949) - tarina
 Talent: The downtown talent scout (Frank Zappa 1965) - lahjakkuus
 Talk: Hear me talkin' to Ya (Louis Armstrong 1928) - puhuminen
 Tango: (It takes) two to tango (Lester Young & Oscar Peterson 1952)
 Taos, New Mexico (Waylon Jennings 1967)
 Taste: Little taste (Cannonball Adderley 1955) - maku
 Tasty: Tasty pudding (Miles Davis 1953) - maukas
 Tattoo: Tattooed bride (Duke Ellington 1950) - tatuointi
 Teach: Teach me tonight (Nat King Cole 1953) - opettaminen
 Tears (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - kyyneleet
 Teenage: Teenage crush (Tommy Sands 1957) - teini
 Telephone: Telephone song (Stan Getz & Astrud Gilberto 1964) - puhelin
 Tell: I ain't gonna tell nobody (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - kertoa
 Temptation: Temptation rag (Benny Goodman 1950) - houkutus
 Tenant: The tenant (Japan 1978) - vuokralainen
 Tender: Tenderly (Oscar Peterson 1950) - hellä
 Tennessee: A boy from Texas, a girl from Tennessee (Nat King Cole 1947)
 Termination (Iron Butterfly 1968)
 Terraplane: Terraplane blues (Robert Johnson 1936)
 Terrible: Terrible blues (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - hirveä
 Texarkana: Texarkana baby (Eddy Arnold 1952)
 Texas: Texas moaner blues (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923)
 Thanks: Thanks a million (Louis Armstrong 1935) - kiitokset
 Thief: The thief (Herbie Hancock 1966) - varas
 Think: If that's what You're thinking (Ella Fitzgerald 1939) - ajatella
 Third degree: The third degree (Marc Bolan 1965) - kolmas aste
 Threat: Neighborhood threat (Iggy Pop 1977) - uhka
 Threshold: Standing at the threshold (Arlo Guthrie 1968) - kynnys
 Thrill: I'm thrilled (Ella Fitzgerald 1941) - jännitys
 Thriller (Eddie & the Hot Rods 1977) - jännityselokuva
 Throat: The throat of winter (Tyrannosaurus Rex 1969) - kurkku
 Throw: Don't throw me away (Marty Robbins 1961) - heittää
 Thumb: Under my thumb (the Rolling Stones 1966) - peukalo
 Thumbelina (Danny Kaye 1952) - Peukaloinen
 Thumbing: Thumbing a ride (Robert Pete Williams 1961) - liftata
 Thunder (Eddie Cole 1936) - ukkonen
 Thursday: Jersey thursday (Donovan 1966) - torstai
 Ticket: Ticket agent, ease Your window down (Bessie Smith 1924)
 Tiger: Tiger rag (Louis Armstrong 1930) - tiikeri
 Tight: Too tight (Blind Blake 1926) - tiukka
 Timber (Odetta 1954) - puutavara
 Time: Stoptime rag (Scott Joplin 1910) - aika
 Timor: East Timor (Robert Wyatt 1985) - Itä-Timor
 Tired: When You're tired of breaking other hearts (Hank Williams 1952) - väsynyt
 Toast: Starfish-on-the-toast (Donovan 1967) - paahtoleipä
 Tobacco: Tobacco road (Lou Rawls 1966) - tupakka
 Today: Three long years today (John Lee Hooker 1950) - tänään
 Together: We'll be together again (Stan Getz 1954) - yhdessä
 Tom Dooley (the Kingston Trio 1958)
 Tomb: Hark from the tomb (Jesse Fuller 1955) - hauta
 Tombstone blues (Bob Dylan 1965) - hautakivi
 Tomorrow: Take Your tomorrow (Emmett Miller 1928) - huominen
 Tongue: Spanish is a loving tongue (Glenn Yarbrough 1957) - kieli
 Torment: Typewriter torment (Procol Harum 1975)
 Torquay (the Fireballs 1960)
 Torture: Two years of torture (Ray Charles 1959) - kidutus
 Tough: Time's gettin' tougher than tough (Jimmy Witherspoon 1959) - rankka
 Tour: Tour de force (Dizzy Gillespie 1955) - kiertue
 Tower: Tower of strength (Frankie Vaughan 1961) - torni
 Town: Jazzbo Brown from Memphis town (Bessie Smith 1926) - kaupunki
 Toy: (The toys gave a party for) Poppa Santa (the Andrews Sisters & Bing Crosby 1951) - lelu
 Tragic: Tragic songs of life (the Louvin Brothers 1956) - traaginen
 Trail: Hellhound on my trail (Robert Johnson 1937) - jälki
 Train: Too too train blues (Big Bill Broonzy 1932) - juna
 Trainer: The animal trainer and the toad (Mountain 1971)
 Tramp: Lady is a tramp (Ella Fitzgerald 1956) - kulkuri
 Transparent radiation (Red Crayola 1967) - läpinäkyvä
 Trash: Cash for Your trash (Louis Armstrong 1942) - roska
 Travel: Traveling riverside blues (Robert Johnson 1937) - matkustaa
 Treasure: On treasure island (Louis Armstrong 1935) - aarre
 Tree: Treemonisha (Scott Joplin 1911) - puu
 Tremble (Albert Collins 1965) - täristä
 Trial: All my trials (Harry Belafonte 1959) - oikeudenkäynti
 Tribal: The tribal message (Philly Joe Jones 1959)
 Tribute: Tribute to Brownie (Cannonball Adderley 1957) - kunnianosoitus
 Trip: Take a trip with me (Lightnin' Hopkins 1961) - matka
 Trouble: The trouble with You is me (Nat King Cole 1949) - vaiva
 Trout: Trout mask replica (Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band 1969) - turska
 Truckin' (Mel Torme 1959) - rahdata
 True: If dreams come true (Ella Fitzgerald 1937) - todellinen
 Trust: Don't trust nobody (John Lee Hooker 1954) - luottaa
 Truth: Please tell the truth (Ella Fitzgerald 1939) - totuus
 Tuesday: Tuesday at two (Chico Hamilton 1958) - tiistai
 Tulsa: 24 hours from Tulsa (Dusty Springfield 1964)
 Tunisia: Night in Tunisia (Charlie Parker 1946)
 Tupelo: Tupelo blues (John Lee Hooker 1960)
 Turkey: Let's turkey trot (Jan & Dean 1963)- kalkkuna
 Turkish: Uska dara (a Turkish tale) (Eartha Kitt 1957) - turkkilainen
 Turn: Blue, turning gray over You (Louis Armstrong 1930) - muuttua
 Turtle: Turtle dove (Glenn Yarbrough 1957) - kilpikonna
 Tutti frutti (Little Richard 1955)
 Twilight: Blues at twilight (Art Pepper 1956)
 Twist: Wringin' & twistin' (Bix Beiderbecke 1927)
 Type: Show-type tune (Bill Evans 1962) - tyyppi
 Ugly: The ugly duckling (Danny Kaye 1952) - ruma
 Umbrella: Umbrella man (Dizzy Gillespie 1951) - sateenvarjo
 Uncle: Uncle Pockets (Danny Kaye 1952) - setä
 Undecided (Ella Fitzgerald 1939) - päättämätön
 Underground: Poem on the underground wall (Simon and Garfunkel 1966) - metro
 Understand: A Woman always understands (Nat King Cole 1947) - ymmärtää
 Unforgettable (Nat King Cole 1951) - unohtumaton
 Unholy: It's unholy (Ron Wood 1975) - epäpyhä
 Unique (Thelonious Monk 1956) - ainutlaatuinen
 United (Nat King Cole 1956) - yhdistynyt
 United Nations: Smokin' in the United Nations (Wilson Pickett 1972) - Yhdistyneet Kansakunnat
 Universe: Jimmy and Crash survey the universe (Holy Modal Rounders 1967) - maailmankaikkeus
 Unknown: Unknown blues (the Pretty Things 1965) - tuntematon
 Uranus (Brunning Hall Sunflower Blues Band 1969)
 Utah: Utah Carol (Marty Robbins 1959)
 Vacation: Bo's vacation (Bo Diddley 1961) - loma
 Vaccination: Soul vaccination (Tower of Power 1973) - rokotus
 Vagabond: King of vagabonds (the Destroyers 1963) - kulkuri
 Vain: Love in vain (Robert Johnson 1937) - turha
 Vegetable: Call any vegetable (Frank Zappa & the Mothers of Invention 1966) - vihannes
 Valley: Lonesome valley (Woody Guthrie 1940) - laakso
 Veil: Land of the blue veils (Philly Joe Jones 1959) - huntu
 Velvet: Blue velvet (the Clovers 1956) - sametti
 Ventura: Ventura blvd. (the Everly Brothers 1968)
 Venus de Milo (Miles Davis 1949)
 Vermont: Moonlight in Vermont (Stan Getz 1952)
 Veteran: Veteran's day poppy (Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band 1969) - veteraani
 Vicious: A vicious circle (Frank Zappa 1967)
 Victory: Victory ball (Charlie Parker 1949) - voitto
 Video tape (Steve Goodman 1977)
 Vietnam: Talking Vietnam (Phil Ochs 1964)
 Vigilante: Vigilante man (Woody Guthrie 1940)
 Village: Love in the village (Judy Garland 1959) - kylä
 Vine: Pea vine special (John Lee Hooker 1960)
 Viola Lee: Viola Lee blues (Gus Cannon & Noah Lewis 1928)
 Violent: Violent love (Otis Rush 1956) - väkivaltainen
 Virgin: Virgin Mary had one son (Odetta 1960) - neitsyt
 Virginia: I'm coming Virginia (Bix Beiderbecke 1927)
 Vitamin: Vitamin A blues (Big Joe Williams 1960) - vitamiini
 Vodka (John Coltrane 1957)
 Voice: Your voice (Nat King Cole 1949) - ääni
 Volunteers (Jefferson Airplane 1969) - vapaaehtoiset
 Vomit: Religious vomit (Dead Kennedys 1981) - oksennus
 Voodoo: You've got me voodoo'd (Louis Armstrong 1940)
 Vote: Vote for mr. Rhythm (Ella Fitzgerald 1936) - äänestää
 Wabash rag (Blind Blake & Gus Gannon 1927)
 Wagon: You've been a good ole wagon (Bessie Smith 1925) - vankkurit
 Waikiki: On the beach Waikiki (John Fahey 1963)
 Wait: Just wait 'til You see my baby do the Charleston (Eva Taylor 1925) - odottaa
 Walk: Cake walking babies from home (Louis Armstrong & King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - kävellä
 Wander: Wanderlust (Duke Ellington 1947) - vaeltaa
 Wanderer: The wanderer (Dion and the Belmonts 1961) - vaeltaja
 Want: I'll take her back if she wants to come back (Fletcher Henderson 1925) - tahtoa
 War: Hawaiian war chant (Spike Jones 1960) - sota
 Warm: Warmin' up a riff (Charlie Parker 1945) - lämmin
 Wash: I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair (Ella Fitzgerald 1935) - pestä
 Wasted (Wanda Jackson 1957) - tuhlattu
 Wasteland (the Jam 1979) - joutomaa
 Watch: That's the stuff You got to watch (Rubberlegs Williams 1945) - katsoa
 Watchtower: All along the watchtower (Bob Dylan 1967) - vartiotorni
 Water: Backwater blues (Bessie Smith 1927) - vesi
 Way: Nobody knows the way I feel this morning (Louis Armstrong & King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - tapa
 Weapon: Secret weapon (Annette Funicello 1964) - ase
 Weather: Weather bird rag (Louis Armstrong & King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - sää
 Wedding: Wedding bells (Hank Williams 1949) - häät
 Wednesday: Wednesday night prayer meeting (Charles Mingus 1959) - keskiviikko
 Week: Every night in the week (Christine Kittrel 1953) - viikko
 Weeping willow rag (Scott Joplin 1903) - itkeä
 Welsh: Old Welsh song (Joan Baez 1968) - walesilainen
 Werewolves of London (Warren Zevon 1978) - ihmissusi
 West: West coast blues (Blind Blake 1926) - länsi
 West Virginia: Hill of West Virginia (Phil Ochs 1965) - Länsi-Virginia
 Whale: The whale (J. B. Lenoir 1962) - valas
 Wharf: Fisherman's wharf (Blodwyn Pig 1970)
 Wheel: No wheels (the Chordettes 1955) - rengas
 Whiskey: Whiskey and good time blues (Big Bill Broonzy 1939) - viski
 Whispering (Miles Davis 1953) - kuiskaten
 Why: Why couldn't it be poor little me? (Fletcher Henderson 1925) - miksi
 Whore: Bad Whore (the machine) (Gypsy 1973) - huora
 Wicked (the Fireballs 1960) - ilkeä
 Wide: Heaven's doors are open wide (Tadd Dameron 1949) - leveä
 Widow: Widow with shawl (a portrait) (Donovan 1967) - leski
 Wife: Wife and farm blues (Robert Pete Williams 1959) - vaimo
 Wild: Wild man blues (Hot Seven 1927) - villi
 Wilderness: A voice in the wilderness (Cliff Richard 1960) - erämaa
 Will Rogers: Will Roger's highway (Woody Guthrie 1940)
 Willow: Weeping willow rag (Scott Joplin 1903) - paju
 Win: The easy winners (Scott Joplin 1901) - voittaa
 Wind: Quasimodo (trade winds) (Charlie Parker 1947) - tuuli
 Window: Ticket agent, ease Your window down (Bessie Smith 1924) - ikkuna
 Wine: And her tears flowed like wine (Ella Fitzgerald 1944) - viini
 Winter: Winter wonderland (the Andrews Sisters 1951) - talvi
 Wisconsin: Wisconsin death trip (Static-X 1999)
 Wish: Wishful thinking (Ella Fitzgerald 1941) - toivoa
 Witch: Witches pit (John Coltrane 1957) - noita
 Without: I'd be lost without You (Nat King Cole 1940) - ilman
 Wives: Wives and lovers (Frank Sinatra 1964) - vaimot
 Wizard: Barb's song to the wizard (Tony Williams 1964) - velho
 Wolverine: Wolverine blues (Louis Armstrong 1940) - ahma
 Woman: Nashville woman's blues (Bessie Smith 1925) - nainen
 Womb: Womb pit (Roger Waters 1970) - kohtu
 Wonderful: It's wonderful (Louis Armstrong 1938) - ihmeellinen
 Wondering: I'm wonderin' who (Bix Beiderbecke 1927) - ihmetellä
 Woodstock: Captain Woodstock's courtship (Ian & Sylvia 1964)
 Words (Fletcher Henderson 1924) - sanat
 Work: Working man's blues (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - työ
 World: I've got the world on a string (Louis Armstrong 1933) - maailma
 Worm: Bird gets the worm (Charlie Parker 1947) - mato
 Worry: Worrying You off my mind (Big Bill Broonzy 1932) - murehtia
 Wound: A wound time can't erase (Loretta Lynn 1965) - haava
 Wreck: Shipwreck blues (Bessie Smith 1931) - hylky
 Write: I'm gonna sit right down (and write myself) (Art Tatum 1945) - kirjoittaa
 Wrong: All of the wrongs You've done to me (King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923) - vääryys
 Wyoming: The emperor of Wyoming (Neil Young 1968)
 Yawn: Dawn yawn (Georgie Fame & the Blue Flames 1966) - haukotus
 Yellow: I found my yellow basket (Ella Fitzgerald 1938) - keltainen
 Yellow river (Christie 1970) - keltainen joki
 Yellowstone: Yellowstone park (Tangerine Dream 1985)
 Year: Los Angeles New year's flood (Woody Guthrie 1940) - vuosi
 Yesterday: Blues for yesterday (Louis Armstrong 1946) - eilinen
 Yonder: 'Way down yonder in New Orleans (Bix Beiderbecke 1927)
 Youth: Blame it on my youth (Frank Sinatra 1956) - nuoruus
 Yukon: Yukon railroad (Nitty Gritty Dirt Band 1970)
 Zeus: Swords of Zeus (Lords of the Crimson Alliance 1986)
 Zombie jamboree (the Kingston Trio 1958) - zombi
 Zoo: Goin' to the zoo (Tom Paxton 1964) - eläintarha
 Zorro (the Chordettes 1955)
 Zulu: Zulu's ball (Louis Armstrong & King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band 1923)